Their mid-80s seemed a perfect time for Conrad and Donna Krieger to jump into a new work as church planters when Overflow Church began in a suburban area of young families and varied ethnicities.
Overflow Church ‘saturates community with the overflowing love of Jesus’
Overflow Church in the Kansas City suburb of Grandview, hopes to reach its community for Christ though a mission of “saturating (the) community with the overflowing love of Jesus.'”
Iorg addresses sexual abuse, financial realities in report to Executive Committee
Since 2021, $13 million in Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) Executive Committee (EC) financial reserves through December 2024 has gone toward legal bills as a result of abuse response efforts. For the current fiscal year, EC President Jeff Iorg told trustees, the EC is working to secure a $3 million loan to meet financial obligations. The EC is also recommending a $190 million national Cooperative Program budget for 2025-26 with a $3 million priority allocation for legal expenses.
What exactly is the Cooperative Program?
Lives are impacted every day in Missouri, the United States, and around the world because of the selfless and sacrificial gifts made in voluntary cooperation through the Cooperative Program.
Everyone’s day of reckoning
One day, every person is resurrected and summoned before Christ in final judgment. While salvation is a gift of God, received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, our lifestyles reflect our beliefs. That is, our words and deeds reveal our citizenship, either in the kingdom of God or in the domain of the evil one.
IMB commissions 39 new missionaries at SBC’s oldest church in United States
The pews of First Baptist Church, Charleston, South Carolina, were filled to celebrate newly appointed International Mission Board missionaries on Wednesday, Feb. 5. Thirty-nine missionaries preparing to live and serve among unreached peoples shared brief testimonies with the crowd and welcomed prayers offered on their behalf.
MBTS’s Wilson releases ‘Lest We Drift: Five Departure Dangers from the One True Gospel’
Midwestern Seminary celebrated the Feb. 4 release of Lest We Drift: Five Departure Dangers from the One True Gospel, the 27th book by Jared C. Wilson.