By Aaron Earls BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway Research) — Judging by the television audience, Americans certainly care about the Super Bowl. Few, however, think God shares their concern. The 2024 Super Bowl drew more than 123.7 million U.S. viewers, the largest television broadcast viewership in the nation’s history. Yet, most U.S. adults don’t believe God cares who wins the Super Bowl or determines the game’s winner, according to a study from Lifeway Research. “While a large number of … [Read more...]
Lifeway Research study: Few pastors bank on prosperity gospel
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. — Many churchgoers say their church connects financial blessings with personal generosity, but most pastors see those ideas as bankrupt. A Lifeway Research study of U.S. Protestant pastors finds few hold or teach beliefs connected to the prosperity gospel, the theological movement that teaches God wants to make followers materially wealthy and will do so if individuals hold certain beliefs or perform specific actions. A previous Lifeway Research study, however, found … [Read more...]
Less Than Half of Americans Attend Church at Christmas
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway) – As Americans make their Christmas plans, slightly less than half say they usually attend a church service during the holiday season. A Lifeway Research study finds U.S. adults are split on whether they’ll be at church sometime this Christmas—47% say they typically attend church at Christmastime, while 48% say they do not, and 5% aren’t sure. “The very name ‘Christmas’ originates in the church’s celebration of Jesus Christ’s birth. In the mid-14th century, the … [Read more...]
Pastors paint troubling picture of economic impact on churches
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway Research) – Heading into an election where the economy is top of mind for many voters, pastors say finances have been difficult at their church this year. A Lifeway Research study found 66% of U.S. Protestant pastors say the economy is very or somewhat negatively impacting their church. The 2 in 3 pastors who report a negative economic impact is the highest since 2011, and the 14% who say the impact has been very negative is the highest ever recorded in the … [Read more...]
Evangelicals twice as likely to back Trump over Harris
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway Research) – Entering into the final months leading up to the 2024 presidential election, former President Trump holds a sizable lead over Vice President Kamala Harris among evangelicals. Likely voters with evangelical beliefs are twice as likely to plan to cast their ballot for Trump than Harris (61% v. 31%), according to a study from Lifeway Research. Few say they are still undecided (5%) or supporting another candidate (3%). While Trump is winning among … [Read more...]
Lifeway Research: Churchgoers may be overconfident in Old Testament knowledge
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway Research) — If you ask someone at church to name their favorite story from the Old Testament, they may mention Moses or Noah, but they might also talk about Jesus or Paul. Some may even begin describing a story from outside the Bible. When asked about their favorite story from the Old Testament, around 4 in 5 U.S. Protestant churchgoers share one from the first section of the Bible, according to a Lifeway Research study. More than 1 in 10 (11%), however, offer a … [Read more...]
Lifeway Research: Most pastors have limited non-ministry work experience
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway Research) — A pastor’s resumé might include multiple churches and ministry roles, but most won’t have much non-ministry experience listed. Most current U.S. Protestant senior pastors worked outside of ministry as adults for only a short time, according to a Lifeway Research study. Only 3 in 10, however, began vocational ministry as the senior pastor. “A person’s journey to the pastorate can happen at almost any age, but the majority of pastors are in a … [Read more...]
Americans grow less religious
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (BP) – Fewer Americans see religion as an important aspect of their lives, and it shows in their beliefs and actions. A Gallup survey finds U.S. adults are less likely to identify with a religion, say religion is very important to them, belong to a congregation or attend worship services. Religious identification Most Americans still identify with a religion, and Christianity is by far the largest faith group in the United States. But the percentage of Christians has … [Read more...]
Lifeway study: Most churchgoers have invited others to join them
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway Research) – When churchgoers show up to their church’s worship service, they’re often hoping to have a guest with them. A Lifeway Research study of U.S. Protestant churchgoers finds 3 in 5 (60%) say they have extended at least one invitation in the past six months for someone to attend their church, including 19% who have made one invitation, 21% with two invitations and 20% with three or more invitations. A third of churchgoers (33%) say they haven’t invited … [Read more...]
Most Southern Baptist churches use background checks, fewer receive abuse training
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (Lifeway Research) – New Vision Baptist Church in Murfreesboro has used background checks in its ministry for more than 10 years. “It gives us peace of mind,” said Kellie Clem, financial assistant at New Vision. “Also, there are occasions where it becomes a chance to talk with volunteers about their faith walk due to results that have come back.” According to the 2023 Annual Church Profile (ACP), most Southern Baptist congregations, like New Vision, use background … [Read more...]
Easter Sunday remains a high attendance day for most churches
BRENTWOOD, Tenn. (BP) — Most pastors are expecting one of their largest crowds on Easter, but those expectations have tempered some in the past decade. The three highest-attendance Sundays for pastors—Easter, Christmas and Mother’s Day—have remained the same since 2011, but each is now less likely to be among the top days, according to a Lifeway Research study of U.S. Protestant pastors. “While many churches consider high attendance as something from their pre-pandemic past, seasonal … [Read more...]
Half of pastors say the economy is hurting their church
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Individuals aren’t the only ones facing consequences of inflation and other negative economic factors in the U.S., as many pastors say their churches are being harmed as well. A Lifeway Research study of U.S. Protestant pastors found 52% say the current economy is having a negative impact on their churches. For 40%, the economic circumstances aren’t having any effect. Fewer than 1 in 10 pastors (7%) say the current economy is a positive factor for their churches. The … [Read more...]