WARRENSBURG – “Hope in Christ” was the theme of Missouri WMU’s Mission Celebration held, April 5-6, at First Baptist, Warrensburg. With over 220 in attendance, the weekend was packed with missionary testimonies, outreach opportunities, breakout sessions, raffle baskets and more. Each year women and men from around the state gather to pray, learn and give so others may hear the message of Jesus. That is what MWMU is all about. Janet York the incoming President of MWMU said, “I hope when people leave this weekend, they have a passion for missions.”
Julie Busler, Oklahoma WMU President, and author of “Joyful Sorrow,” shared throughout the weekend about being joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer in our relationship with Christ, especially in times of sorrow and hardship.
Highlights each year are the raffle baskets. Individuals and churches create various themed baskets which are given to the highest bidder. All proceeds go to the Alberta Gilpin Offering, which helps MWMU with ministry expenses throughout the year.
Missionaries from North America and around the world shared how God is working and how to pray more effectively for them, their families, the people they are engaging, and their ministries. There were various breakout sessions with topics from ‘Ministry Project Ideas’ to ‘The Church’s Response to Mental Illness.’ Mission Projects included collecting items for Standing in the Gap Ministries in Warrensburg and The LIGHT House in Kansas City. Notes of encouragement were written to Missionary Kids (MKs) who have graduated high school and are coming back to the states to start the next phases of their lives. Also, during the first two worship times, there were flag processionals where flags from various countries were brought in representing the nations and all who need to hear about the love of Christ.
A first this year was a snack bar providing water and snacks for those attending the event. All proceeds went to The WMU Foundation, which provides financial assistance to a wide range of ministries.
In addition to all the activities over the weekend, there was also a Student Missions Conference on Friday evening. This year there were twenty-one students from across Missouri, plus leaders. Students were inspired, encouraged, and challenged by Joy Martin, a former Journeymen, who served in Laos, an IMB Next Gen Missionary, and Emily Alexander from Fusion at Spurgeon College. Everyone worked together writing encouragement cards to MKs for the MK Re-Entry Retreat coming up later this year, sponsored by MWMU. Each year MWMU also selects students from area student mission groups to be a part of the Acteen Council. This year’s council included Celia and Cefronia Shortell from Independence Baptist Church, Richland, and Hannah Stahlman from Lighthouse Baptist Church, Mozel. These young ladies spent the weekend serving wherever needed to help make the weekend a success.
Alan and Beth Locke, retired IMB missionaries, were honored as MWMU Emeritus Missionaries for 2024-2025. They shared about their time on the field, in both the Netherlands and South Africa, encouraging and challenging everyone to pray for missionaries every day.
Sharon Paris shared that we had 46 new MWMU groups started in our state this year. This was a record number of new starts.
Wes Fowler, Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) executive director, presented MWMU with a check of appreciation for their continued support in promoting the Rheubin L South Missouri Mission Offering (MMO). If the MMO exceeds its annual goal, the State Convention donates percentag of the offering’s overage to MWMU for their efforts in promoting and raising awareness of the offering.
Jan Turner stepped down from her role as MWMU president at the end of this year’s event. Jan has served in MWMU for over 50 years in various areas. When asked what has meant the most to her during her time as president she stated, “All the relationships I made with so many people and missionaries, including being encouraged by national WMU Executive Director Sandy Wisdom-Martin and national WMU President Connie Dixon.”
Next year’s MWMU Mission Celebration will be April 4-5, 2025, at First Baptist Church, Kirksville.
Cheryl Stahlman, MWMU Executive Director, stated what she hoped everyone took away from the event was that “no one is insignificant, no gift is insignificant, every little bit helps to reach the nations for Christ. As we all work together in our individual groups, our prayers, our giving, and our going matter.”