REAVISVILLE – Once a year, members of Reavisville First Baptist Church and their families gather at the creek for a day of worship and celebration. Hundreds of people watch and cheer as new believers are baptized in the water and brought to new life in Christ. On August 26, this year, Pastor Mark Reavis and his deacons baptized 23 new believers, and they’re just getting started. According to Jeannie Reavis, wife of Pastor Mark, this has been a wonderful year for their church. “We’ve been … [Read more...]
More than 35 FBC Troy widows rev up the Harleys
TROY – A cloud of leather, exhaust and exhilaration descended upon First Baptist Church in Troy on August 18 for their 3rd annual Widows Ride. It’s an annual tradition that brings fun and joy to women who have been widowed, as well as all of the people who put on the event. The Widows Ride – also known as the Biker Babes Ride – is an outreach event for widowed women in Lincoln County coordinated by First Baptist Church in Troy. There were about 90 participants this year, including more … [Read more...]
‘Joni and Friends’ equips churches to serve people affected by disabilities
ST. LOUIS – The church is meant to be a place where all Christians can come to worship and fellowship with one another. But what if churches are unintentionally excluding a group of people who need God’s love just as much or more than the rest of the world? Joni and Friends, an international nonprofit organization, works with churches to reach that invaluable group – individuals with disabilities and their families. According to Judy Redlich, Church Engagement Manager with Joni and … [Read more...]
‘Adopted into the family of God’: Van Buren family fostered 65 children over 22 years
VAN BUREN – There are few people in this world who have hearts as big as Ron and Terri Robinson. In 40 years of marriage, Ron followed his calling to ministry and pastored several Baptist churches with Terri at his right hand. They opened their hearts to the communities they served, and then they opened their hearts to a new calling from God – a call to be foster parents. But their life and their marriage didn’t begin with that calling in mind. Ron and Terri always wanted children, so … [Read more...]
‘God of Wonders’ VBS connects kids with Christ
MEMPHIS – Churches all across the country spend the summer months focusing on a very important ministry – Vacation Bible School. VBS is perhaps one of the most widespread and popular ministries available. It’s an effective way to reach young people for Christ on a massive scale, and allows for children to connect with Scripture in new and interesting ways. For First Baptist Church of Memphis, VBS is a valuable opportunity to reach children in the community. Associate Pastor of Students … [Read more...]
‘Was blind, but now I see’: Concord Baptist’s ‘Vision 3:16’ reaches more than 40,000 in Mexico
JEFFERSON CITY – There are hundreds of thousands of people in Mexico who struggle every day to afford basic necessities such as food, clothing, and shelter. For Mexican citizens who have poor eyesight, glasses are a luxury that many cannot afford. That’s where Vision 3:16 steps in. Vision 3:16, a ministry run out of Concord Baptist Church in Jefferson City by Larry Merry and Ken Weiler, has been working to meet those vision needs since 2010. Merry, founder and ministry leader, was … [Read more...]
Mo. Baptists respond to Conn. tornadoes
SOUTHBURY, Conn. – When tornadoes ripped through Connecticut this May, they left chaos in their wake. Thousands of homeowners were left with downed trees, debris and nowhere to turn for help. In the midst of such devastation, teams of volunteers from across the country stepped up to assist in recovery. One of those teams was a group of Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief’s collegiate interns. Armed with a chainsaw, a wood chipper and the Word of God, DR volunteers provide hope, healing and a … [Read more...]
Virtual evangelism: Wentzville teens use latest technology to ‘honor Christ’
WENTZVILLE – When it comes to evangelism and outreach, video games are probably not the first thought in anyone’s mind. Video games have a reputation for profanity, violence and sexual content that worry Christians. However, there are millions of people who like to play video games who are not exposed to the gospel. For a pair of brothers from Wentzville, this community represents an opportunity. With a camera, a video game, an internet connection and infectious personalities, the … [Read more...]
Super Summer offers faith, fun to youth, adult leaders
JEFFERSON CITY – At first glance, Super Summer may seem like any other Christian summer camp – a place for students from middle school and high school to learn about Jesus and fellowship with one another. The reality of Super Summer is so much more than that. What truly sets Super Summer apart is a clever set-up that caters to believers of all ages and experience levels. Super Summer is an opportunity for anyone and everyone to come to a better understanding of the gospel and their … [Read more...]
Guatemala mission teams safe after Fuego’s eruption
ESCUINTLA CITY, Guatemala – Southern Baptist mission groups from the United States ministering in Guatemala are safe after a volcano erupted on June 3. One mission group from Union Hill Baptist Church in Holts Summit was working in an orphanage about 70 miles northwest of the eruption when it occurred, according to KRCG 13. Associate Pastor Jason Glenn told KRCG that the group was unaware of the disaster until they saw the ash and residue in the sky. When he learned it was from a … [Read more...]