In this issue we continue to ask the question, “Why?” Like inquisitive children, every organization needs to examine the “Why?” What do they do that no other organization does at that level? Churches need to ask that question, too, but for entirely different reasons. One reason is so that churches stay on their biblical mission mandate – namely, to make disciples. Churches are engaged in reaching new people with the gospel, and they also are engaged in engaging new and older saints in … [Read more...]
Why is your state convention important today?
As with all organizations, the Missouri Baptist Convention needs to ask the question, “Why?” Why are we an important part of what the Lord is doing among a network of Bible-believing, evangelistic, mission-minded churches located in the center of the Heartland? Some people point to Acts 1:8 and describe the state ministry as a “Judea” ministry. The result is a relational and authentic ministry that works with local churches and church leaders to transforms lives and communities with the … [Read more...]
The value of a human life
While convalescing from Covid, I found time to read some academic papers. One caught my attention in a significant way—the statistical value of a human life. Based on nine different studies, the U.S. Department of Transportation determined that the statistical value of a human life is somewhere near $9 million. The Department of Transportation uses this kind of information to determine long-term, multigenerational trends and the economic impact of developing various forms of … [Read more...]
Historical treasures
Along the journey, it’s not uncommon to touch, handle or restore historical treasures. Last week, with the help of a friend, I held a family bible that I paid to have restored. When I became the guardian of this family treasure, it was in really rough shape – so much so that I didn’t recognize it as the complete New Testament. Today, it is a beautiful treasure that lists my grandmother’s birth, marriage, and untimely death in 1967. This week, my hands held another historical treasure. As … [Read more...]
Parental control issue will be front, center for ‘22
As we conclude another year by celebrating the birth of Jesus, America’s future seemingly hangs in the balance. Whether we become one thing or another may well depend on how we react in the days ahead. Our decisions are sure to impact generations to come. As I think about the coming year and the challenges it will present, I can think of none more important than parental control of their children. Mask/vaccination mandates, gender identity programming, uni-sex restrooms and school … [Read more...]
Probation: an opportunity to clarify
Just hearing the word “Probation” throws your mind into a judicial framework of a person not sentenced to incarceration but to a sentence with regulated activities on the “outside.” For the younger at heart, they may remember their moms pronouncing, “Alright young man, into the corner you go for a time out!” While the restraints are not fun at the moment, people become better people because of the discipline. As you read this issue of The Pathway you can see the story released by … [Read more...]
Reports, preaching, business and diapers
At our 2021 annual meeting in Branson, Missouri Baptists heard incredible reports, listened to wonderful Bible preaching, and participated in significant business. Our churches sent 1,194 messengers and 267 registered visitors, making our state convention’s meeting one of the largest in recent memory. Behind the scenes, your Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) staff worked hundreds of hours to provide hospitality, sound, streaming, registration and everything needed to help messengers have … [Read more...]
What should you remember when you are the minority in a monumental decision?
You don’t lead very long until you experience an opportunity to be a minority voice in the context of a monumental decision. You study and work hard to find amenable solutions, but the majority chooses to follow a course with which you disagree. Many times, people in the minority simply walk away . . . angry. In the context of church life, I have witnessed through the years a multiplicity of inappropriate actions and attitudes. Sometimes people in the minority sour and express themselves … [Read more...]
An open letter from John Yeats on the SBC Executive Committee’s Oct. 5th decision
Colleagues: I trust the Lord is demonstrating the depth of His grace toward you in such a fashion that you have a sense of His abiding presence. I shared with you last week about the SBC Executive Committee’s concerns. The 2021 SBC Annual Meeting messengers spoke clearly when they called for the establishment of a Sexual Abuse Task Force and a transparent, thorough, and independent investigation into allegations of sexual abuse involving the Executive Committee and its staff over the … [Read more...]
Plan ahead for Pastor Appreciation in October
In Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Unchartered Territory, author Tod Bolsinger tells about a 90-year-old woman in a church he pastored in California. Her name was Ruth. He says she was a real treasure. “Boy,” she said (she was one of the few people in the church who could get away with calling Dr. Bolsinger “Boy’). She said, “I pray for you every day.” Bolsinger said, “Thank you, Ruth. That means a lot to me. I can use the prayers. You know all these changes we are … [Read more...]
Words have meaning
Of late, I have been stricken once again by how valuable words are. My wife Sharon thinks that hearing from my lips the words, “I love you,” are very important to say at the start of the day. These days, I’m not sure how common it is to teach the young the two little magic phrases, “Please” and “Thank you.” I do know that a grateful heart is often associated with these words. Gratefulness and humility are always in vogue no matter the context of a person’s experience. The other day, I … [Read more...]
Lord, find us faithful
I prayed, “Lord, find us faithful stewards of the resources you entrust to our care.” Whether it is the assets of our family estate; or the above-the-tithe gift to a ministry the Lord is using; or encouraging our local church to tithe its offerings to the Cooperative Program; or leading our state convention toward maximizing our efficiencies and effectiveness for gospel transformation, I pray, “Lord, find us faithful stewards.” Is it possible that our gracious Lord would find us so … [Read more...]
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