JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptists dug deep and gave generously in 2013 to the Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering (MMO). As a result, they surpassed the MMO goal for the second straight year. Receipts for 2013, which are disbursed in 2014, totaled $719,649, exceeding the goal of $700,000 and surpassing last year’s giving by four percent. “Thank you, Missouri Baptists,” said John Yeats, executive director of the Missouri Baptist Convention. “Your faithfulness in stewardship … [Read more...]
Reading the Bible with misplaced expectations
“The Bible is full of contradictions.” So say many critics of God’s Word. When asked to provide examples, however, critics often reveal a gross misunderstanding of the writers’ purposes, according to Douglas S. Huffman, a contributor to In Defense of the Bible: A Comprehensive Apologetic for the Authority of Scripture. While alleged contradictions come in many forms, one of the most common is that of misplaced expectations; that is, critics approach the Bible from angles that are … [Read more...]
Apologetics e-newsletter coming in January
Thank you, Missouri Baptists, for helping bring to life a statewide Christian apologetics ministry in 2013. Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) churches and associations hosted many apologetics weekends and one-day events that covered topics ranging from “How do I know the Bible is true?” to “What do false religions have in common?” Hosts included Pleasant Hill Baptist Church, Jefferson City; Cross Keys Baptist Church, Florissant; Sweetwater Baptist Church, Neosho; First Baptist Church, … [Read more...]
10 truths about the return of Jesus
Few passages of Scripture cause more controversy among evangelical Christians than Rev. 20:1-10, in which John mentions a 1,000-year period six times. The main point of debate is whether the “millennium” should be understood literally or figuratively. Generally, those who believe the 1,000 years are literal and in the future are called premillennialists. They look for Christ to return and establish a “millennial kingdom,” or a reign of 1,000 years, after which He puts down Satan’s final … [Read more...]
What have we done to the Christmas story?
Christians love to hear and tell the traditional Christmas story. The birth of Jesus includes Mary and Joseph seeking shelter on a winter night, no room in the inn, a baby born in a stable and angels visiting lowly shepherds nearby. But our modern telling of the account in Luke 2:1-20 embraces critical flaws, according to Kenneth E. Bailey, who spent 40 years teaching the New Testament in the Middle East and who authored Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the … [Read more...]
MMO giving reaches 95 percent of goal
ROB PHILLIPS/MBC dir. of communications JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptists are outpacing last year’s generous giving to state missions. As of Nov. 20, funds received for the Rheubin L. South Missouri Missions Offering (MMO) totaled $664,010, or 95 percent of the goal of $700,000. A year ago at this time, MMO giving totaled $623,805 but eventually surpassed the goal of $675,000, marking the first time in more than a decade that gifts exceeded the target. “Overflow” is the theme … [Read more...]
Did Jesus ever claim to be God?
Muslims, Jehovah’s Witnesses and atheists often argue, “Jesus never claimed to be God.” They assert that Christians have corrupted or misinterpreted the New Testament, or they reject the Bible outright. But for those willing to consider the eyewitness testimony of the New Testament writers, and the convincing evidence that their words are accurately preserved, we may point our unbelieving friends to seven ways that Jesus does, in fact, claim deity. First, Jesus calls Himself God. In … [Read more...]
The Apologist’s Tool Kit now available
Thank you, Missouri Baptists, for enthusiastically supporting the MBC’s new apologetics ministry. Over the last year, I have been privileged to speak or lead workshops in many churches across the state to help Christians “earnestly contend for the faith” (Jude 3). Topics have ranged from “How do I know the Bible is true?” to “What do false prophets have in common?” As many of you know, apologetics simply is “a reasonable defense of the Christian faith.” For followers of Jesus there has … [Read more...]
Praying for the persecuted church
Umar Mulinde grew up in a strict Muslim home in Uganda. His grandfather was an imam (religious leader), and Umar was trained in Islamic thought, which went unchallenged until he left home for college. One Sunday Umar visited a church for the first time and was so impressed with the gospel that he surrendered his life to Christ. Three Muslim friends saw him leave the church and attacked him. He assumed the beatings would stop. He was wrong. In time, Umar preached in a church that … [Read more...]
The convenience of blaming God
When our kids were young and complained about being on the wrong side of circumstances, my wife and I urged them to repeat this line: “When things go badly for me, it’s usually my fault.” In other words, we challenged our son and daughter to own their part of a bad experience. If a teacher singled them out from a group of misbehaving students, they were to understand that their behavior was wrong, whether done individually or in a group. If they got into an argument with a friend, they … [Read more...]
A brief quiz on world religions
What do you know about world religions and cults? Do you know the difference between Scientology and Christian Science? Buddhism and Baha’ism? Rastafarianism and Ralph Laurenism? (Okay, I made that one up). Here’s a chance to test your knowledge. The correct answers are at the end of the quiz. Which of the following is not a Hindu scripture: a) Rig Veda b) Sama Veda c) Yajur Veda d) Darth Veda True or false: Islam is the second largest religion in the world – and one of the fastest … [Read more...]
Apologetics: Is God guilty of genocide?
In 1 Sam. 15:3 God commands King Saul: “Now go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Do not spare them. Kill men and women, children and infants, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.” Bible stories like this are fodder for atheists like Richard Dawkins, who writes in The God Delusion, “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, … [Read more...]