Some claim that the abortion issue is hurting Republicans, that it is costing them votes. And with that claim they are attempting to persuade Republicans to soften their stance on abortion in order to win elections.
This may be a good strategy if all one cares about is winning elections. But for those who care more about the sanctity of human life and about abiding by the revealed truth and will of Holy God, such counsel is tantamount to selling the lives of those yet to be born for the sake of votes. It assumes that those who are pro-life only hold their views out of convenience, not a deep seated and immovable conviction rooted in the Word of God.
During the time of Jesus’ temptation (Luke 4), Satan offered Jesus food for His physical appetite, glory to satisfy His destiny, and health and preservation to ensure His comfort. Fortunately, Jesus rejected all such offers – choosing rather to garner the favor of God rather than Satan. He chose to do what is right rather than to win an election or curry the favor of his opposition. Jesus knew that it is better to defeat the enemy than to compromise with him.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego could have easily used the same justifications (excuses) that many use today. They could have compromised and bowed to the king’s statue, reasoning that by so doing they could maintain their position of influence and continued to work to change the king’s ways; but if they died in the furnace their influence would be snuffed out. These men chose to stand firm on the truth and let God deal with the outcome. In fact, they said “If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up” (Daniel 3:17-18, NASB)
American Christians seem to have forgotten verse 18. We reject the idea that God could possibly let us suffer, or lose, or (heaven forbid) even die in our service to Him. So we compromise, we try to help Him. We try to help the One who is self-existent and omnipotent. Yet we wonder why we don’t see God at work in our day as we read about in Scripture.
If we truly want to see God at work we have to get out of the way. We cannot interject our own schemes and designs so that we win. We have to lose so that He wins. If He chooses to bless us in our faithfulness, that is certainly something to be thankful for. But our faithfulness to Him is never to be determined by whether or not we win. We cannot serve both God and man. Will we be faithful to God, and seek His favor? Or will we forsake Him to seek the favor of the voters in the next election?