“Sorrow is better than laughter, For by a sad countenance the heart is made better.” – Ecclesiastes 7:3
What? How can sorrow be better than laughter?
We all enjoy a good laugh! However, is there any place in the Bible where we are told to channel our efforts toward having fun? Of course, we all like to have fun, but what does it accomplish to direct our efforts to constantly having fun?
As I look through Facebook postings, I am appalled at how many times the word “fun” is used. It would seem that even Christians have dedicated their lives to “having fun.” Have we forgotten about how many people are headed for hell? As our children watch us, aren’t they learning that “fun” is the most important objective for folks? What about all the people who die every day and are not ready to meet our Savior in heaven?
Some might say they don’t believe that there can be a fire that burns all the time. Won’t it burn out? No. Everyday we get up and that ball of fire we call “sun” comes up and gives us light and warmth. It has been burning for centuries. Of course, the Bible mentions hell many times. Is having fun more important than helping people believe in God and avoiding hell?
Having fun should be a by-product, not a constant goal! When our children hear us speak constantly of having fun, what are they learning? Aren’t they learning to believe that having fun is one of the most important things we can do? Of course, having fun is not a sin. After all, God created us with the ability to laugh, but it should not be so important to us that we are not willing to sacrifice some fun to help someone learn about Christ and salvation!
It is amazing how children grow up patterning their lives after what they see their parents do in their homes. If they hear or see their parents always looking for fun, they naturally think it is okay for them to do so. Fun lasts for a short time. Salvation lasts for eternity!
Isn’t it true that when something happens that makes us sad we tend to turn toward our Lord in prayer and do more self-examining? If life were always a bundle of laughs, we would probably not see the necessity for prayer and the help of our Lord. As our children watch us, let us be realistic in letting them see that not everything has to be fun! After all, when I think of some people going to hell and burning for eternity, I find no fun in that! Children need to learn early in life that there are consequences for bad choices. Parents need to help them see that the best choice is to help someone believe in our Lord and spend eternity in heaven.
It isn’t a matter of what is the most fun! Rather, it is a matter of how we can help our children and others find the best place to spend eternity!