Some days, when you’re monitoring your dollars and cents – you know, that stuff Jesus our Lord commands us to manage while here on earth – you have to ask the questions: Is this a worthy investment for the kingdom? Do my finances show that I am laying up treasures on earth or in heaven?
The stuff on earth we can hold in our hands, smell with our noses, or see with our eyes. The treasures in heaven are measured more by the investment we make in people for gospel purposes. The earthly stuff can be gone in a few seconds. The investment in heaven lasts for eternity.
Each year, just as fall begins, MBC churches receive the Rheubin L. South State Missions Offering (MMO). One of the things I love about this offering is people . . . the people who are impacted and the people who are discipled to live above the normal “Sunday school level” — to live on mission with God.
Missouri Baptists gave more to state missions causes through MMO last year than ever before. I’m convinced it’s because the offering is used to touch the lives of people – all kinds of people. Very little is used to fund a program.
If you want to call our Missouri Baptist Children’s Home a program, go ahead. But just know that some of the 17 percent of MMO gifts the Children’s Home receives touches the lives of children, even some who have yet to draw their first breaths. Yes, it takes programing and processes to provide the largest private network of foster care in Missouri. Yes, it takes programing and processes to rescue survivors of human trafficking and set them free for a new life. You do that through your gifts to MMO.
How about Joyce? Originally from Puerto Rico, she’s now a senior in the U.S., seeking a degree in emergency management. Your gifts through MMO support Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief and provide the only private internship for emergency management in our state.
Joyce’s first week with our team of Disaster Relief summer interns found her in Perryton, Texas, in the aftermath of a strong tornado. “None of us knew what to expect because we had never been on sight this quickly after a storm had gone through,” she said.
On the first day, the leaders asked who was bi-lingual. Reluctantly, Joyce raised her hand, even though she did speak Spanish fluently. Several Hispanic homeowners, who didn’t know where to turn for help, were assisted by Joyce’s communication skills and our team.
With every task our DR teams perform, they share with homeowners about why we do what we do in the name of Jesus, and they lead in prayer. As a follower of Christ, Joyce had not led in public prayer before, but she did this time, and her boldness grew with each of the 10 weeks of bringing hope, help, and healing to people impacted by the storms in Missouri and other places.
You did this. You invested in the kingdom of God. Joyce served this summer, and the Lord was glorified by a growing believer’s faith. Your gift to MMO was worth the investment.
Or what about Christian? You invested in Christian’s life while he served as an MBC summer missionary. He had learned the basics of a believer’s walk with Jesus from his church home, First Baptist Church, West Plains.
One of the weeks, Christian and the team he led went to Oklahoma to work in a local church’s Vacation Bible School located near one of the Native American reservations. Christian said, “I got to lead a child named Caylee to faith in Christ this week! After the gospel was presented to her, she seemed to be pulled in by the Holy Spirit. Her prayer and confession to God was this: ‘Jesus died for me. He gave His life for me, and I want to give Him mine.’”
Christian continued: “God taught me more about spiritual discernment and the power of prayer. I got a sense the night before Caylee was saved that God was going to move in awesome ways the next day. I took some time to pray alone and cry out to my King throughout that next day, and then I was faithful to serve and intentional about waiting for Him to move.
“It was a beautiful experience.” Christian reported. “We gave her a Bible, and she seemed very excited to read it. We also encouraged her to be involved with a local church to continue growing in her faith.”
Makes me want to shout! Through our collective giving through MMO, God worked powerfully through Christian and Caylee. Because you gave, you fortified the faith of a college student and escorted a new little sister into the faith.
Because of your worthy investment through MMO, you make a difference in the lives of people. For the thousands of you who gave generously last year, thank you for making a difference. For those of you who join with your local church and give this year through the Missouri Missions Offering, may the Lord openly bless your generosity.
In this issue of The Pathway, you will see additional resources, stories, and where to download free materials at