“For man was not made from woman, but woman from man. Neither was man created for woman, but woman for man.” – I Corinthians 11:8-9 (ESV)
Many times when I have done book signings, a dad will pick up a book, look at it and put it down. When I mention that the books are helpful for family devotions, most often I have gotten the response, “My wife usually makes those kind of decisions”. The Scripture cited above makes it clear that God intended for the dad to be the head of the home and make decisions about the spiritual teachings of the family.
It is sad that so many dads have abdicated their responsibility for the spiritual teaching in their homes. Why?? Are they afraid of the wife? Does the wife make it difficult for the dad to do his role as the spiritual leader of the home?
In this day and time, we not only have men not being the head of their home, but actually dressing like women and pretending to be a woman. How well I remember the many times I heard my mom say when I was growing up, “You kids just wait ’til your dad gets home! He’ll take care of you!” We knew that we were in real trouble when we heard her say that! In his deep voice, we would get a lecture, or worse if we didn’t straighten up fast!
Why has it happened that many men have stopped living up to their responsibilities? Could it be that men are simply afraid of the wife? Could it be that wives are too aggressive and take over the responsibilities of the husband? Actually, it is probably both.
It has been said that the dad should be the head of the house, but the mom is the neck that turns the head! Actually, it is a good idea for the dad to listen to the mom, but the final decision should be his. When this is not the case, children grow up confused as to the person in charge. When the mom makes all the decisions, it takes away the respect the children should have for dad. I believe that God made moms to be the tender ones and dads to be the firm ones. When each plays the proper role, children are less confused. When children always go to mom when they want something, where does this leave dad??
It is so tempting to think that things change according to the time in which we live. Not so! God created us as He did for a purpose. He expects dad to be the head of the house and mom to be the helper. Otherwise, children grow up with little or no respect for dad and feeling like he is unimportant. This feeling transfers to dad and leaves him feeling unimportant as well.
It is always best to follow God’s plan! Who are we to think that we know better than God?