The Lord instructed Israel to set aside “cities of refuge” (Numbers 35 and elsewhere) for the protection and preservation of life for those who were guilty of manslaughter. A person could flee to these cities and be protected from the avenger of blood. In 19th century America, there was a network of “stations” in an intangible “underground railroad” that provided protection and safe passage for slaves seeking freedom. In recent years some cities have declared themselves sanctuaries for illegal immigrants.
There has always been a need for people to find refuge, safety, and sanctuary – whether from injustice, slavery, or persecution. But our world is so terribly contrary to biblical values that we now see a need to provide sanctuary for those who would simply like to have an opportunity to live. Indeed, the right to life is foundational to other rights. The right to be free from discrimination, or persecution, or oppression is predicated on the truth that the individuals experiencing discrimination, persecution, or oppression are in fact not dead.
It makes sense, then, that in a society that allows the legal killing of innocent human life people in certain locales will take a stand for life and form sanctuaries for the most defenseless of their neighbors. This is what has motivated 67 communities across Texas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Nebraska, Iowa, Ohio and Illinois to become Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn. Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn are communities that have adopted ordinances that make abortion of any kind illegal in their communities.
While surgical abortion in Missouri is currently illegal in Missouri, chemical abortion is still available. While both are fatal to the child, chemical abortions may be even more dangerous to the mothers. Abortuaries have been known to send the abortion drugs to pregnant women without a face-to-face consultation, and to send them to women who are beyond ten weeks gestation. Both scenarios create much greater danger to the women in the event of complications.
There are also efforts in Missouri to put a right to abortion into the state constitution using the initiative petition process. At least eleven petitions have already been filed with the Missouri Secretary of State to put the right to abortion into the Missouri Constitution. It is obvious that the Dobbs decision by the Supreme Court did not eliminate the killing of innocent children, and those who care about life need to stay engaged in the fight.