EDITOR’S NOTE: A new video update about the MBC Executive Director search was posted, May 22, at https://mobaptist.org/executive-director-search.
JEFFERSON CITY – Until the end of May, the Missouri Baptist Convention’s (MBC) Executive Director Search Committee is taking recommendations for potential candidates to serve as the MBC’s next Executive Director. Recommendations can be made online at https://mobaptist.org/executive-director-search.
Members of the MBC Executive Director Search Team officially began their pursuit of a new convention leader at a meeting in Branson, April 20-21 (Read more here). Search committee chairman Wesley Vance explains the committee’s search process in the video below, which can also be accessed by clicking here. Another video update was posted here on May 22.
After 12 years of service with the MBC, Executive Director John Yeats asked the MBC executive board in early March to form a transition team to search for his successor (Read more here.) Serving alongside his wife, Sharon, Yeats began ministry among Missouri Baptists after being elected to his MBC post on Oct. 13, 2011. Before coming to Missouri, Yeats served as director of communications and public policy for the Louisiana Baptist Convention. Earlier, he served as editor of the Oklahoma Baptist Messenger. He also served the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana as the director of communications and editor of the Indiana Baptist. Prior to his ministry with state conventions, he served 20 years as pastor of churches in Texas and Kansas. He also served as the Southern Baptist Convention’s Recording Secretary for 25 years. His tenure in this post was the third-longest in Southern Baptist history.