JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Baptist Convention, through its High Street Press imprint, has released a new resource for personal or group study titled What Every Christian Should Know about the Return of Jesus.
The 500-page softcover book focuses on truths about Christ’s second coming that are plainly stated in Scripture, yet often overlooked when followers of Jesus prefer to debate the chronological minutiae of the last days.
While the order of events surrounding Christ’s return is of great interest to all followers of Jesus, and of equally great importance, “the devil is in the details of the second coming,” writes the book’s author, Rob Phillips, director of Ministry Support and Apologetics for the MBC.
Put another way, Christians often devote so much attention to these details, they forget the many beliefs the body of Christ shares in common about the return of Jesus. And that’s good enough for Satan.
It’s that common ground Phillips seeks to regain in this book. With the non-negotiables of Christ’s imminent return in view, Christians are better prepared. And they’re better equipped to share the good news that the returning Jesus came the first time to secure our salvation.
The book features four sections.
Section I – “Trust Me” – looks at the certainty of Christ’s return, with an emphasis on Jesus’ promise to return, the testimony of New Testament eyewitnesses, and Old Testament prophecies that require a two-stage messianic ministry – led first by the Suffering Servant, then completed in the conquering King.
Section II – “Behold Me” – examines the nature of Christ’s return. He’s coming personally, powerfully, victoriously, and suddenly.
Section III – “Hear Me” – views the reasons for Jesus’ return. He’s coming back to establish his kingdom in fullness; to resurrect and judge all people; to glorify the saints and sentence unbelievers; to cast Satan and demons into hell; and to create new heavens and a new earth.
Section IV – “Receive Me” – focuses on our preparation for Jesus’ return. Christ is coming for his bride, the church; his return is imminent; and Christians are to be ready at all times for his glorious appearing.
Each of the 16 chapters ends with a summary of key points, along with questions for personal or group study.
In his Foreword to the book, O.S. Hawkins writes, “Rob Phillips has given the church a much-needed gift in this book. Unlike many volumes from the past, he does not seek to connect every current event with some obscure verse of Scripture to prove his point. He simply lets the words of Scripture speak for themselves as he covers every possible aspect of our ‘blessed hope, his glorious appearing.’”
An appendix offers an overview of four major views of the end times: post-millennialism, amillennialism, historic premillennialism, and dispensational premillennialism.
The book is available in print and e-book editions from retailers like Amazon: An audio version is scheduled for release early in 2024.
While individual copies may be ordered through Amazon and other retailers for $19.95, the MBC is offering Missouri Baptist churches that place orders of 10 copies or more a deeply discounted price of $12 per copy, plus shipping. The offer also is valid for churches in state conventions partnering with Missouri – namely, Montana and Minnesota/Wisconsin.
To receive bulk copies of this new resource, church leaders may call the MBC at 573.636.0400 ext. 303, or send an email to
To request author Rob Phillips to speak or lead a conference at your church, send an email to
To learn more about High Street Press and its other resources – including books for personal or group study on The Baptist Faith & Message, the Trinity, salvation, the afterlife, Satan, and other topics – visit