Apologists needed to train churches, MBAN’s Hoffmann says
JEFFERSON CITY – Last month, The Pathway interviewed Wil Hoffmann, a Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) executive board member and currently president of the Missouri Baptist Apologetics Network (MBAN). Hoffmann, pastor of Senior Pastor, Rising Sun Baptist Church, Auxvasse, shared about the significance of apologetics and the MBAN’s ministry efforts.
Currently, the MBAN has more than two dozen members, equipped to share with churches and provide resources about a range of apologetics-related topics, from defending Christianity against false religions and cults like Mormonism and Islam, to matters of faith and science, biblical views of marriage and human sexuality, arguments for the existence of God and evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. Some MBAN members also focus on training children and students to stand firm in the faith.
To learn more about the MBAN, visit https://mobaptist.org/apologetics/mban.
The Pathway’s interview with Hoffmann is transcribed below:
BENJAMIN HAWKINS: What is apologetics?
WIL HOFFMANN: “Apologetics is simply the act of defending the faith of Jesus Christ. John the Baptist did the work of apologetics on a daily basis while teaching in the Jorden River. With the famous statement, ‘brood of vipers,’ John was making clear that the teachers and their teachings were wrong and were corrupting the generations.”
HAWKINS: Why should the MBC have an apologetics network?
HOFFMANN: “The MBC needs men and women that have the time and passion to study the religions of the world. Every day the future generation of MBC is being taught a number of different teachings and worldviews. Unless you live in a Christian bubble, the world is flooding you with its teaching, and more times than not, they are not pointing to the savior, Jesus. But we have also had many worldviews that look Christian, but when you look deeper or shine the light on it, they are shown to be false teachings. The MBC needs people to study and then train the church to know the difference between what is right and true and also to identify the wolf in sheep’s clothing.”
HAWKINS: How have you seen apologetics – especially through the efforts of MBAN – help to transform lives through the gospel?
HOFFMANN: “This past year at the MBC annual meeting, a young lady working for the convention hall in St Charles was standing in the back of the room. Before our MBAN debate on the end times, I expressed the importance of having the truth of the gospel as a key that can unlock the lock in our lives. She expressed to me that she herself had just recently come back to having faith in Jesus and started going back to church.
“As many people know, once someone starts to find a place on the road leading to Jesus, the evil one will be there to try and detour you off that road and get you back on the road that leads to disaster. But hearing me talk about the truth in Jesus, she knew that her commitment to Jesus was true, and she needed to fight the feeling and influences of her past so she could walk fully with God.
“I was able to spend this time with her, making that connection we long to strive for with the establishment and workers of the convention centers every year at the MBC annual meeting. Through the MBAN meeting, I was able to see this young lady stand for her faith.”
HAWKINS: How has apologetics impacted your own walk with Christ and ministry?
HOFFMANN: “Apologetics has made me look at the way I communicate and explain Christianity to make sure that when I share the gospel, it is clear and effective. There are a lot of different faith systems that try to ride on the coattails of Christianity. They can use the same church words but have meanings that are not the same as what is in Scripture. This is why it has become very important to be very clear in how we communicate the truths of the Scriptures and even whom we share fellowship with.”
HAWKINS: Tell me about the MBAN. What kind of resources/opportunities does it offer for Missouri Baptist churches?
HOFFMANN: “The MBAN has many people with the knowledge to help your church understand a wide range of apologetics topics. They can come and speak to your church on a Sunday or Wednesday night, along with doing workshops and conferences. On the MBAN website, you can find a list of members with a list of topics they specialize in and some selective articles by network members.”
HAWKINS: Who should consider being a part of the MBAN? How can they join?
HOFFMANN: “We are always looking for new people who want to stand up for the Christian faith. Those who are called to this task can find the forms to join the network on the MBAN section of the MBC website (https://mobaptist.org/apologetics/).”