JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Baptist Convention, through its High Street Press imprint, has released a new resource for personal or group study titled Understanding The Baptist Faith & Message.
The 300-page softcover book supports a resolution Missouri Baptists adopted at their 2021 Annual Meeting in Branson, encouraging all Missouri Baptist pastors “to consistently provide instruction to their congregations on the content of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.”
The resolution cited general unfamiliarity with The Baptist Faith & Message (BF&M). It also said agreement on the gospel and the core doctrines of our faith is essential both for unity and effective Great Commission work.
Simply put, the BF&M 2000 is a statement of beliefs Southern Baptists hold in common. These beliefs are expressed in 18 articles of faith, ranging from The Scriptures (Article I) to The Family (Article XVIII).
First issued in 1925, the BF&M has been modified – most notably in 1963 and 2000 – to more clearly express Southern Baptists’ beliefs in the unchanging nature of God and his word in the face of cultural chaos.
Written by the MBC’s Rob Phillips, Understanding The Baptist Faith & Message helps Missouri Baptists appreciate the value of their confessional faith, as well as grasp the simple truths of the BF&M’s 18 articles. Designed for personal or group study, each chapter features a statement of an article or portion of an article, a brief commentary, and questions for further discussion.
An appendix features a side-by-side comparison of the 1925, 1963, and 2000 editions. Answers to discussion questions are posted in the back of the book.
Susie Hawkins, who served on the BF&M 2000 Committee, wrote the book’s foreword and comments, “In light of the historical importance of this document to Southern Baptists, I enthusiastically welcome this study. It will be extremely helpful in articulating and understanding why certain changes were necessary and why certain language was chosen.”
Hawkins continued: “The friendly study-guide format holds readers’ attention and challenges them to carefully think through our doctrinal convictions. It can also be easily utilized for churches, as members examine Scripture as the basis of Baptist faith and practice. I pray the Holy Spirit will use this book and our doctrinal confession to continue giving ‘a defense for the hope that is in us’ (1 Pet. 3:15).”
Southern Baptist leaders have written commentaries on the 1963 (Herschel Hobbs) and 2000 (Charles Kelley, Richard Land, Albert Mohler) editions of the BF&M. What makes the High Street Press resource unique are its concise comparisons between the 1925, 1963, and 2000 versions; an expanded study of the Trinity and Salvation; questions for personal or group study; and a significantly lower price for bulk orders.
While individual copies may be ordered through for $15.95, the MBC is offering Missouri Baptist churches that place orders of 10 copies or more a deeply discounted price of $5 per copy, plus shipping. The offer also is valid for churches in state conventions partnering with Missouri – Montana, and Minnesota/Wisconsin.
Understanding The Baptist Faith & Message is a featured resource at the MBC Annual Meeting Oct. 24-25 in St. Charles. Pastors and other church leaders are encouraged to stop by the High Street Press table near the entrance to the grand ballroom.
John Yeats, MBC executive director, also is distributing complimentary review copies to hundreds of pastors of MBC-affiliated churches.
To receive bulk copies of this new resource, church leaders may call the MBC at 573.636.0400 ext. 303, or send an email to
To request author Rob Phillips to speak or lead a BF&M conference at your church, send an email to
To learn more about High Street Press and its other resources – including books for personal or group study on the Trinity, salvation, the afterlife, Satan, and other topics – visit