JEFFERSON CITY – There is good news in Missouri churches this summer. Vacation Bible School is on!
The COVID-19 pandemic forced a number of churches to cancel Bible school in 2020. That doesn’t seem to be the case this year.
The Pathway did a spot check of various churches across the state to see their plans for VBS.
Some churches, First Baptist in St. Peters and Southern Baptist Fellowship in Wayland, are using Lifeway’s “Concrete and Cranes” material purchased last year. Southern Baptist Fellowship’s Bible school this year was June 21-25. St. Peters was June 27-July 1.
The scheduled Lifeway curriculum for this year is “Destination Dig.” This is the curriculum choice of Strong Tower Baptist in St. Joseph. Their VBS is July 18-22.
Foley Baptist is looking forward to VBS this year after two years of cancelation. In 2019 flooding of the Mississippi River canceled Bible school, and in 2020 it was the pandemic, coupled with the death of a long-time church member. They will use “Destination Dig” Aug. 1-4, using some material used by Star Hope Baptist of Elsberry in May.
Fellowship Baptist of Joplin canceled VBS in 2020, but will hold it this year June 27-July 1. They will use Answers in Genesis material.
First Baptist Church in Carterville also canceled VBS in 2020, and held it June 14-17, 2021. They designed their own curriculum.
Some churches didn’t cancel VBS in 2020, but modified it.
“We did a drive-through, pick-up bag with snacks and things for children to do, and had them put responses on our Facebook page. That Friday night, we had a drive-through, pizza pick-up and puppet theater for them to watch,” said Hillcrest Baptist of Lebanon church secretary Linda Bradshaw.
While Hillcrest is planning to have on-site VBS this year, July 19-23, they are still planning something like last year’s activities for those who still may be concerned about being out and about.
Union Hill Baptist in Holt’s Summit will be on-site with “Destination Dig” VBS, July 25-30. Last year, Union Hill did a three-day drive-up Bible school, with snacks, crafts, and Bible lessons distributed to families.
It seems like many children again will hear stories of God’s love in Vacation Bible School in 2021.