JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Director John Yeats declared to hundreds of pro-life advocates gathered on the South lawn of the Missouri Capitol here, April 14, why immorality and abortion still wreak havoc throughout the United States.
What, he asked, is missing in our culture? His answer: The fear of the Lord.
Yeats was among several speakers featured at the Midwest March for Life here. He and his wife, Sharon, marched with other pro-life advocates around the Capitol before returning to the South lawn of the Capitol for his address.
“Think about it,” Yeats told the event’s participants. “What is missing with every kind of aberrant sexual behavior, every violent riot, every porn watcher, every choice to terminate the life of a yet-to-be-born child, every act of violence that sexually, physically abuses women and children? We have failed to consider the God who is—the great I AM.”
JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Convention Executive Director John Yeats tells participants of the Midwest March of Life, April 14, that the culture of death devastating the nation grows from people’s forgetfulness of and irreverence toward Almighty God.
“Let us remind ourselves daily that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of godly wisdom,” Yeats added. “In this cultural mix, sprinting toward the abyss, we need to rekindle our fear of God and repent of being our own “little-g” gods of our own little kingdoms that devalue life and liberty and purpose for every person born and yet-to-be-born.”
During the rally, Yeats also highlighted Missouri Baptist ministries that advocate for life and show love to people.
“Like many faith groups in our state,” he said, “Missouri Baptists with 1725 churches have established comprehensive ministries to love children: care for orphans, pregnancy resource centers, foster care ministries, safe houses for women, little girls and boys who are rescued from sex trafficking. First because we love the Lord Jesus and because we love people.”
Susan Klein, executive director for Missouri Right to Life and a member of Cedar Grove Baptist Church, Holts Summit, also took the stage at the Midwest March for Life.
Klein praised pro-life Missourians for their grassroots efforts in defending the life of the unborn.
“Missouri, you all are fabulous,” she said. “You have worked for so many years to make us the ‘Missouri miracle.’ … Without you, the grassroots of Missouri, we wouldn’t have the (pro-life) legislators that we have in the Capitol. … We wouldn’t have the pro-life laws on the books that have closed all but one abortion clinic. …
“We come together today to recognize the lives that have been lost,” she added. “But we also come together to celebrate. We celebrate the lives that we’ve saved. We must never forget the successes.”
JEFFERSON CITY – Susan Klein, executive director for Missouri Right to Life and a member of Cedar Grove Baptist Church, Holts Summit, celebrates the pro-life victories in Missouri during the Midwest March for Life here, April 14.
Bonnie Lee, a member of Open Heart Baptist Church, Columbia, and a pro-life advocate who helped organize the march, said she noticed several other Missouri Baptists at the event.
Lee often encourages Missouri Baptist pastors and church members to take a more active role in the fight for life by participating in this annual rally and other pro-life activities.
“One of the reasons God has been blessing Missouri (with fewer abortions) is because we have many faithful and godly legislators,” she told The Pathway. “They need to know the people are behind them now more than ever to stand up and speak up for life.”
Bev Ehlen, a member of The Way Baptist Church in Warrenton and also a member for the Missouri Baptist Convention Christian Life Commission, said the Midwest March for Life is an encouragement for people who are fighting for the unborn, as well. It is also a “stand for truth,” she added.
For more information about the Midwest March for Life, visit