JEFFERSON CITY – The board of Baptist Homes & Healthcare Ministries met at the Baptist Building to hear reports and recommendations, April 1.
MBC President Jon Nelson opened with prayer and a devotion. Sharing from Psalm 103:2-5, Nelson reminded the attendees to be wary of distractions and to keep focused on what God has called them to do.
Baptist Home President Rodney Harrison provided a summary report on the latest accomplishments of the ministry and highlighted future initiatives, including hospice and potential campus acquisitions. He said, “In times of uncertainty, we give hope. We seek to provide care with the conviction that we are created in God’s image. When someone you know and love needs care, the Baptist Homes’ ministry will be there to serve you.”
Trustees heard reports from the chairpersons of several Standing Committees who met earlier in the morning to discuss matters related to community engagement, governance, facilities and resources, and stewardship. Later, these committee chairpersons brought recommendations to be voted on by the full board. The implementation of these structured committees has served to improve efficiencies and overall ministry effectiveness.
Campus Administrator Derek Tamm provided an update on the construction progress at the Ashland campus stating that the new congregate living apartment building has been completed and six of the twelve independent living units have been leased. Tamm shared that the Certificate of Need was approved for the construction of a new, 60-bed care facility and plans are to break ground in May for this project. He invited the trustees to attend a ribbon cutting and groundbreaking ceremony to be held that same afternoon to celebrate the grand opening of the new congregate living apartments and the dedication of the future site of the care facility which includes the Duke-Nelson Chapel.
In other business, trustees approved recommendations and resolutions related to the following:
• Authorization for the president and board chairman to engage in business activities related to the purchase of two facilities in the Kansas City area—Truman Gardens and Chateau (Independence) and Smithville Manor (Smithville).
• Authorization for the president and board chairman to seek hospice care accreditation.
• Approval to add Martin Luther King, jr. Day as an 8th paid holiday for staff.
• Selection of audit firm Keller & Owens for audit services for year ending December 31, 2020.