ST. CHARLES – The alumni reception for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) during the MBC annual meeting here will feature online interviews with three IMB missionaries. The reception is from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 27th at the Embassy Suites Hotel in St. Charles.
The Missouri SWBTS alumni fellowship president, Pastor David Nowell said “We wanted to focus on the needs of these missionaries with the International Mission Board. We also hope to attract some future missionaries at this meeting. Southwestern is a seminary that believes in missions and trains a lot of missionaries, helping them to prepare before they go on the field. The missionaries we will be interviewing will be Southwestern graduates serving around the world.
Missionaries featured are: Abner and Katie Wells, serving the South Asia Peoples; Chuck Chastain, Serving South Asian Peoples and Ray McCormick, serving American Peoples. Note some of these names are pseudo names used for security reasons. The missionaries will be interviewed via an online platform and will be speaking live from their field of service.
Rather than having a lunch for the annual meeting, the officers of the SWBTS Missouri alumni fellowship get that a reception, which will be a come and go affair, would better serve their purposes.
A representative from Southwestern Seminary will be present and will speak briefly in addition to the IMB missionaries. Prospective seminary students are invited to stop by and meet with other Southwestern alumni as well as the seminary officials.
Nowell said the group is providing coffee, iced drinks and cookies. He invites people to stop in for a few minutes to meet other Southwesterners and see what the Lord is doing around the world through the International Mission Board.