JEFFERSON CITY – A 100-year-old World War II veteran who recently visited President Donald Trump at the White House is scheduled to be the special guest of Gov. Mike Parson at Thursday’s National Day of Prayer event, noon, in The Rotunda of the State Capitol, the governor’s office confirmed Friday. This year’s observance is a salute to Missouri’s active duty military, reserves and veterans.
Sidney Walton, born Feb. 11, 1919, joined the U.S. Army nine months before the attack on Pearl Harbor. He served in India, China and Burma. Walton will receive special recognition during Thursday’s service, the Missouri National Day of Prayer committee announced today.
Dubbed “The No Regrets Tour,” Walton has been to many places and done many things in life, but one of his biggest regrets was not meeting some of the last Civil War veterans when he had the chance. To make up for that, he’s traveling all 50 states to give Americans the opportunity to meet one of the last living World War II veterans.
His journey started in April 2018. Walton visited South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster Friday before heading to Jefferson City to meet Governor Parson. Parson will the 21st governor Walton has met.
Thursday’s program will feature the garrison chaplain at Fort Leonard Wood Col. David Bowlus and retired Naval fighter pilot State Rep. Mike Haffner (R-Pleasant Hill). The event will also feature the U.S. Army Marching Band from Fort Leonard Wood as well as the fort’s Color Guard.
A free, hot lunch will be provided for all military, veterans and lawmakers on the south lawn of the State Capitol immediately following the service. Missouri Baptist Convention Disaster Relief and Kansas City-based Taking It to the Streets will provide the meal.
The service in The Rotunda is free and the public is encouraged to attend.