JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Apologetics Network members Adam Cochrun and Dave Van Bebber have launched a bi-weekly podcast called “T.A.G. You’re It!” The podcast features interviews and debates about culture, current events, theology, and cults from a biblical perspective.
“We wanted to do something that no other Missouri Baptist apologists were doing,” said Van Bebber. “We wanted to amplify the voice of Missouri Baptists engaged in defending the Christian faith.”
Van Bebber and Cochrun already have Missouri Baptist apologists Rob Phillips, Jonathan Hana, Dr. Sonny Hernendez, Don Hinkle, and Darrin Smith. On August 29 they host Andrew Walker, director of policy studies at the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and author of the forthcoming book, “God and the Transgender Debate.”
Cochurn and Van Bebber hope to book other apologists, as well as other pastors, on the podcast in the near future.
Cochrun, who goes by the on-air name of Ray Ray, comments “The purpose of the podcast is to edify the saints, glorify the Lord, and deal with difficult questions.” In June, Cochrun debated atheist YouTuber Shawn McCormick on the podcast over the proposition “Resolved: god is immoral.”
The debate, and all other installments of “T.A.G. You’re It!” are available through iTunes and all android podcast conversion apps. The show is recorded every other Tuesday. To contact Ray Ray and Dave with questions, simply check out their Facebook page or email them at: or
“T.A.G. You’re It!” is named after the acronym for the Transcendental Argument of the Existence of God (TAG). The basic proposal of this argument is that “Without God it is impossible to prove anything.” The argument pushes the burden of proof on the opposition and forces one to offer a defense of their very foundational assumptions.
The “T.A.G. You’re It!” podcast specifically addresses apologetic and cultural issues from this apologetic perspective. Because the podcast is a back-and-forth and the hosts “tag” each other when addressing issues, the name fits what they do on many levels while playing to the acronym.
Van Bebber notes, “A neat element of the podcast is that the content is accessible to anyone with a smart phone or a computer at any time. That information is stored and is a useful tool for anyone wanting to learn about apologetics.”