JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptists throughout the state will highlight the Missouri Missions Offering during the month of September.
The scriptural theme for this year’s MMO emphasis is Hebrews 13:16: “Do good and share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.”
The goal for the 2016 offering is $710,000. Funds received this year will be disbursed in 2017.
MMO supports statewide missions projects that help fulfill the Great Commission.
The gifts of Missouri Baptists through MMO stay in Missouri and support a multitude of ministries tied to the MBC’s mission of making disciples, multiplying churches, and developing leaders.
In addition, 17 percent of MMO receipts support the Missouri Baptist Children’s Home, and another 10 percent is returned to the associations from which the gifts originate.
Projects for 2017 allocation include:
(1) Making disciples – state fair ministry; youth evangelism and missions; an international student missions conference; sports evangelism; an MBC apprenticeship initiative; and collegiate summer missions
(2) Multiplying churches – financial assistance to church multipliers; strategy-based resources for discipling, coaching, and mentoring church multipliers, missionary wives, and sending churches; and partnership missions
(3) Developing leaders – disaster relief; Missouri Baptist Builders; hunger relief; an ethnic pastors and wives conference; church revitalization projects; and strategic initiatives for developing leaders
These projects complement Cooperative Program ministries but are not funded directly through CP giving. To learn more or to find MMO promotional videos and other resources, go to