Article by Shannon Baker, Director of Communications for the Mid-Atlantic Baptist Network in Columbia, Md.
ST. LOUIS (BP) – Anita Renfroe, a popular Christian comedian and communicator, will be the keynote speaker for two of three events for ministers’ wives attending the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis.
The trio of women’s events, based on the theme, “Be Encouraged,” will include a Pastors’ Wives Conference, a Ministers’ Wives Luncheon and a Women’s Expo.
The Pastors’ Wives Conference, held during the morning session of the Pastors’ Conference on Monday, June 13, from 9 to 11:30 a.m., will feature teaching sessions as well as table discussions.
In addition to Renfroe, who will speak on the topic, “Putty in the Hands of a Loving God,” other speakers will include Selma Wilson, addressing “Owning your Development;” Trillia Newbell of Nashville, Tenn., to be interviewed by Kathy Litton about “Leaning into our Changing Culture;” Reese Ripken, to be interviewed by Donna Gaines about “Missional Matters in the Persecuted Church;” and Anne Graham Lotz, who will lead in a prayer time based on her book, “The Daniel Prayer.”
The Pastor’s Wives Conference will be hosted in the Marriott St. Louis Grand-Majestic Ballroom. There is no cost for the event and registration is not required. Women who serve in any facet of local church leadership, missions and denominational work are invited to attend.
Ministers’ Wives Luncheon tickets are $15 and can be purchased at or by contacting Munton at
The Women’s Expo d will be open in the foyer to the ballroom prior to both events. Pastor’s wife and author, Diane Nix, wife of Preston Nix, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary professor, will direct the expo.