SPRINGFIELD – The Apostle Paul wrote his second letter to the church at Corinth amid an era of spiritual immaturity and an increasingly sinful culture. Robert Shelton preached to Missouri Baptists that they would do well to consider Paul’s words in the convention sermon Oct. 27 at the Missouri Baptist Convention’s annual meeting.
The pastor of First Baptist Church, Plattsburg, Shelton preached from 2 Corinthians 4.
“It was a time of religious pluralism, an age of decadent lifestyles and an era of spiritual confusion, and yet it was a time of deep hunger for the truth of God’s Word,” he said. “It sounds a lot like today, doesn’t it?”
Shelton urged the crowd to be certain as they stand for Christ in today’s world, just as Paul did. He urged them to be certain of their calling, confident in God’s grace, recognize the enemy’s schemes, then preach Jesus.
“Like Paul, preach Jesus,” he said. “Tell the old, old story. Yes, tell it in fresh, new ways and gain a hearing, but make sure you’re telling the gospel story. Do you ever tire or preaching the message of the cross?”
Shelton continued, saying the gospel will give you hope in trials and clarity in times of confusion.
Originally from Independence, Shelton has served as pastor of First Baptist since 1990, following his graduation from Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth. He was saved at 14 and called into the ministry six months later.