LEESBURG, Fla. (BP) – A reorganization of the Florida Baptist Convention staff that reduces the number of employees statewide by 47 percent – from the 115 currently employed to 61 employees – was approved by the State Board of Missions, Sept. 18.
The reorganization and downsizing was the fulfillment of a promise made by Executive Director Tommy Green, May 29. He stressed the need to have a responsive, lean missions organization that is decentralized, regionalized and personalized.
The downsizing will make it possible to send 51 percent of the proposed 2016 Cooperative Program Budget to the Southern Baptist Convention and ultimately “put more missionary families on the field,” he said.
The new structure is comprised of five groups – Executive Director-Treasurer Office, Next Generation, Regional Catalysts, Mission and Ministries, and Support Services – reflecting an effort to streamline the convention staff to more effectively provide ministry support to local churches and associations.