PLATTSBURG – The Apostle Paul wrote his second letter to the church at Corinth amid an era of spiritual immaturity and an increasingly sinful culture. Robert Shelton believes Missouri Baptists would do well to consider Paul’s words as we look at our own society.
The pastor of First Baptist Church, Plattsburg, Shelton will preach from 2 Corinthians 4 during the Missouri Baptist Convention annual meeting’s Convention Sermon, Oct. 27, at 11:35 a.m. He will expand upon the idea that Christians should focus on Christ and preach Him as the only answer in an ever more pluralistic world.
Originally from Independence, Shelton has served as pastor of First Baptist Since 1990, following his graduation from Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth. He was saved at 14 and called into the ministry six months later.
Shelton is a graduate of Southwest Baptist University and met his future wife, Sandy, there. Married for 33 years, they have three children.