JEFFERSON CITY – October is Cooperative Program Month, and here are eight simple ways to help your church members learn more about the eternal impact of CP.
All resources are free and available for ordering or downloading at, or by calling 800.736.6227 ext. 303.
- Show a video. Choose from more than a dozen videos, including “We do more … together,” the “Pastor 2 Pastor” series, and the brand new “CP worship countdown timer.” The videos are easy to download, share via social media, and show in your church.
- Explain how CP works. Order free posters and download PowerPoint slides to show during worship services, Sunday school, or business meetings.
- Download and share the Missionary Moments Prayer Guide and schedule time to pray for our missionaries in North America and around the world.
- Give each member of your congregation a Cooperative Program bookmark.
- Use bulletin inserts to teach your congregation about how the Cooperative Program helps Missouri Baptists carry out the Great Commission.
- Hand out flyers that teach about the 1% Challenge, a national Southern Baptist initiative that is leading to increased support of the Cooperative Program. You also may wish to show a new video on the 1% Challenge.
- Ask a young person in your congregation to share a brief history of the Cooperative Program. Good starting points are online at and
- Challenge your congregation to name all of the ministries CP supports. You can get a good start on the web at