Ad hoc theology committee releases statement
JEFFERSON CITY—The Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) theological study committee met April 30 at the Baptist Building and released the following statement:
“The Theological Review Ad Hoc Committee greatly appreciates the presentation on the Emerging Church by Mark DeVine of the Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary on April 16. He brought to us a measure of understanding and clarity. We appreciate as well the news coverage by The Pathway on all of the committee meetings.
“The preliminary statements that appeared in The Pathway were not based exclusively on the research of Dr. DeVine, but on the discussion that ensued by the committee and the guests who were present.”
The statement was approved for release on a 4-0 vote with the following committee members voting in the affirmative: Michael Knight (chairman), pastor, First Baptist Church, Viburnum; Jeff White, pastor, South Creek Church, Springfield; Denny Marr, minister of education and administration, Calvary Baptist Church, Republic; and Kim Petty, laity, Grace Community Church, Smithville.
The fifth member of the committee, David McAlpin, pastor, First Baptist Church, Harvester, in St. Charles, abstained due to his absence at the April 16 meeting.
The committee began meeting in February and has met five times. Its next meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. May 14 at the Baptist Building. The committee is charged with giving a report before the MBC Executive Board July 10.