Missouri Baptist Youth Choir plans summer tour
JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri’s future worship leaders will be joining together for the Missouri Baptist Youth Choir tour July 31 through Aug. 6.
“We want to take 150 kids across the state and sing in as many churches and facilities as we can,” said John Francis, worship specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC).
The tour is designed to kindle a passion for leading in worship in young people.
“So many small churches want to provide something like this, but they simply don’t have the infrastructure to do it. I really want this to reach out to the small churches’ youth who want to sing and want to be a part of something bigger.”
And there’s another emphasis, Francis said, this one on the future.
“We want to invest in future worship leaders in our churches. We’re not looking for Ph.D.s in music. We need people who have willing hearts and the ability to lead each other. In our 2,000-plus MBC churches, we have a desperate need to energize young people. We want them to realize this is something they can do in their own church.”
The tour schedule is not yet set, and although the obvious choice is for a church to request a Sunday or
Wednesday tour stop, Francis said they will need weekday venues as well.
Singers need to be between 8th and 12th grade, be a born-again Christian, endorsed by an MBC church, have a “serious attitude toward worship” and have a pleasant singing voice. The cost will be between $150-$200 per person and will include a shirt, the book and CD “Amazing God.” All meals, transportation and lodging during the tour will be provided.
Forms need to be received by the MBC. The men will rehearse May 5 and the women May 12. They will rehearse together June 16.
For more information about joining the choir or hosting a concert, contact Francis at 1-800-736-6227 ext. 450 or jfrancis@mobaptist.org. A host church or location would need to accommodate 150 students on stage and be able to provide housing through their members.