Shiflett leaves MBC for ministry in Kansas
Worship specialist headed for growing KC-area congregation
By Allen Palmeri
Staff Writer
August 9, 2005
JEFFERSON CITY – Bill Shiflett, worship specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC), has left the convention effective Aug. 12 in order to join Lenexa Baptist Church, Lenexa, Kan., as worship pastor over the worship and media departments.
Shiflettt, 37, served two years in Jefferson City. He came to Missouri in July 2003 from First Baptist Church at the Mall, Lakeland, Fla.
“This has probably been one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, because I love the MBC,” Shiflett said.
Lenexa Baptist Church, which is located in affluent Johnson County in suburban Kansas City, recently reached a milestone of 1,500 in Sunday worship. It is identified in Breakout Churches, a new book by Thom Rainer, as one of 13 churches in America that have made significant leaps in growth. Its first and only pastor, Steve Dighton, was called in 1990. Rainer refers to Dighton as “highly motivated and evangelistic,” and Shiflett agrees.
“It’s an exciting place,” he added.
Shiflett helped establish new worship leadership conferences and assisted in the development of a network of ministers of music across Missouri. He and his wife, Kerri, were members of Concord Baptist Church, Jefferson City.
“For the past two years, Bill has inspired and encouraged churches all over Missouri in their worship of Jesus Christ,” wrote Concord Pastor Monte Shinkle in the July 31 church bulletin.
Shiflett also worked with Southwest Baptist University, Hannibal-LaGrange College and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary to identify and train future worship pastors.
“Even though I’m not going to be here, I hope to still contribute to helping find worship leaders for church plants and help develop them from a distance,” Shiflett said.
Shiflett’s departure leaves the MBC with seven vacant staff positions. Those are: associate executive director (2); church planting specialist (2); collegiate ministry director; Baptist Student Union director in Rolla; and worship specialist.