BRANSON – The Missouri Baptist Convention’s (MBC) Resound Network is hosting a panel discussion at the MBC annual meeting here at 9 p.m., Oct. 25. The panel takes place at the Branson Convention Center in the Roark Creek room.
Focused on the theme, “The Making of a Revitalization Leader,” the panel features Bob Bickford, associate director of replant at the North American Mission Board; Mark Hallock, a replant pastor in Denver, Colo.; Nathan Rose, a revitalization pastor in Kansas City; John Vernon, Director of Missions for the Cape Girardeau Baptist Association; Frank Whitney, a revitalization pastor in Holts Summit; and Resound Network Director Brandon Moore.
“This year’s Resound Network Panel will equip pastors and church members to lead their churches toward revitalization,” Moore told The Pathway. “Attendees will learn practical steps to grow as revitalization leaders and to develop future leaders for this important work. Also, churches seeking their next pastor will gain tremendous insight into important characteristics to look for in pastoral candidates.
“Every attendee will receive two free books and be entered to win a set of revitalization resources.” To learn more, visit