HUNTSVILLE – It’s a simple idea, but taking ownership of small, bite-sized projects has helped members of First Baptist Church, here complete a long list of neglected projects in and around their building.
“We call it ‘I Love My Church Tuesdays,’” said John Rhodes, First Baptist’s pastor.
Church trustees saw a list of projects that would have been cost-prohibitive to contract out, and instead asked church members to pitch in. They took a picture of each need and asked members to choose a project to tackle on Tuesdays: a hallway in need of paint here, a repaired covering over the youth entrance there, handrails that needed to be refinished, and bushes that needed to be trimmed, pressure washing around the church, and more.
“We’ve had lots of fun, and I was pleasantly surprised by how much people got into it,” Rhodes said. “Give them an opportunity that’s not overwhelming, and a lot of stuff can get done.”