As Resurrection Day quickly approaches, thoughts crowd my mind about the reality of what happened when the Lord Jesus burst out of the tomb. As products of an education more oriented toward metaphysical facts than biblical truth, many people are open to various hypotheses to explain the resurrection. Thoughts of a cardio anomaly or reincarnational experience seem more justifiable for some than what our mighty God has done.
The phrase, “He is not here. He is risen, just as He said,” is radical to our humanistic oriented culture. It seems so unreasonable, so impossible, so other worldly. However, what we creatures think about what our omnipotent God has done through the resurrection is irrelevant. What matters is what God thinks and what biblical truth has revealed. Historical, archeological and anecdotal evidences of our Savior are as real as the air we breathe. He, who was crucified, pronounced dead and buried, is now alive and lives today.
Honestly, my words to fail to express so grand a reality. I did find the poetic prayers expressed in Valley of Vision by Arthur Bennett come close to capturing the Scripture thoughts I would want to express to my Lord:
O God of my exodus,
Great was the joy of Israel’s sons when Egypt died on the shore,
Far greater the joy when the Redeemer’s foe lay crushed in the dust.
Jesus strides forth as the victor,
Conqueror of death, hell, and all opposing might;
He burst the bands of death,
He tramples the powers of darkness,
And He lives forever.
He, my gracious surety,
He was apprehended for payment of my debt,
He comes forth from the prison house of the grave
Free, and triumphant over sin, Satan and death.
O God, give me the assurance that
In Christ, I died;
In Him, I rose;
In His life, I live;
In His victory, I triumph;
In His ascension, I shall be glorified.
Adorable redeemer, You were lifted up on the cross
And are ascended to the highest heaven.
You who are the man of sorrows
Was crowned with thorns and,
Now, as Lord of life, are wreathed with glory.
You are in the triumphant car,
Leading captive Your enemies behind You.
What could be done more than what You have done!
Your death is my life,
Your resurrection is my peace,
Your ascension my hope,
Your intercession my comfort.
(excerpts from Valley of Vision, page 48)
As followers of the Lord Jesus, sin holds no more dominion over us. Sin cannot condemn us any longer because Jesus shed His blood on the cross, and we by faith hold the guarantee that the power of sin is completely conquered through His coming forth from the grave.
I become so happy in this reality, I want to clear out a spot and shout, “Hallelujah! He is no longer in the tomb. He is alive, just as He said.”
I trust when you meet for Resurrection Day, the most celebratory day of the year, let the praise of our living Lord Jesus be a warm up for our recital with heaven’s choir.