JEFFERSON CITY – Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC) messengers planning to submit proposed resolutions during this year’s annual meeting are encouraged to send the proposals by Oct. 1 to the Resolutions Committee, Missouri Baptist Convention, 400 E. High Street, Jefferson City, MO 65101-3253; Fax 573-635-0904; E-mail:
Sending resolutions in advance of the annual meeting of the convention makes possible a more thorough consideration of the resolution and expedites the committee’s work. This year’s annual meeting will be held Oct. 28-30 at the Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center, Kansas City.
Proposed resolutions should be typed, and should contain (1) the name and address of the messenger submitting each proposal; (2) name of the church that messenger will be representing; and (3) the title of the resolution. All resolutions must also be officially submitted in person by a registered messenger to the MBC Recording Secretary David Krueger by the end of the evening session on Oct.28.
Serving on the 2013 MBC resolutions committee are Brad Russell (chairman), First Baptist Church, Arnold; Allen Calkins, First Baptist Church, Gray Summit; Al Flohr, Bethany Baptist Church, Cape Girardeau; Ken Lake, Camp Branch Baptist Church, Sedalia; and Russell Meek, Northland Baptist Church, Kansas City. n