HANNIBAL – Hannibal-LaGrange University (HLGU) trustees voted to change their meeting structure, adopted a revised HLGU mission statement and approved a $21.9 million budget during their meeting March 18-19.
The budget for the upcoming fiscal year assumes the same number of residential students as last year (479), but reflects going non-residential student populations and a 4.75 percent tuition increase trustees approved last November. At $21,957,416, It is a 10.3 percent increase from last year’s $19.9 million budget.
Total enrollment across all programs this semester is 1,109. Full-time enrollment is 940.
Consultant Bob Agee continues to work with HLGU leadership in strategic planning for the future, and during the meeting led a trustee workshop. The first phase of the planning process, and refining the school’s mission statement, is complete.
The school’s new mission statement reads: The mission of Hannibal-LaGrange University is to provide an excellent education in both liberal arts and professional disciplines in a distinctively Christian environment that integrates Christian faith and learning in preparing graduates for personal and career effectiveness.
Jeff Brown, director of campus ministries, reported to the board that HLGU will partner with the North American Mission Board’s Send Cities program to send HLGU students to work with Chicago-area church plants.
Trustees changed HLGU bylaws to allow for two two-day meetings each year instead of four one-day meetings. In addition to saving money, they hope a less-packed schedule at each meeting will allow for more careful consideration and discussion of issues.
The board approved a new exercise science program, and welcomed news that HLGU as been approved to operate programS across the river in Illinois.
The trustees next meet Oct. 17-18.