Missouri Campers on Mission spruce up Baptist Hill
By Staff
June 28, 2005
MT. VERNON — Some 147 Missouri Campers on Mission (COM) recently met at Baptist Hill Assembly for their quarterly week-long meeting and to help spruce-up the camp. The theme for the week was “Welcome His Presence.”
In between devotions and worship services, they kept busy working. Volunteers performed maintenance on several buildings, pavilions and dormitories, including hanging drywall, fixing wiring and plumbing. Workers also painted and cleared brush.
Work was going on indoors, too. Those more artistic made about 500 crafts to be sent to Baptist Hill Assembly, Dixon Camp (Dent County Camp), and South Missouri Baptist Assembly. COM is a national fellowship of Christian campers who share their faith while they camp. Sponsored by the Adult Volunteer Mobilization (AVM) unit of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) of the Southern Baptist Convention, COM accepts short-term volunteer assignments across the United States and Canada. From state fairs and motor speedways to rural campgrounds, COM combines a love of the outdoors with ministry across North America, organizers say.
Darrel and Donna Crawford serve as co-presidents. Kenny Hawkins is Baptist Hill Camp director.
Each morning at 9 the workers met in the Tabernacle for morning devotional and work assignments.
George Ballard shared information on the WMU building (No. 8). The old drywall was ripped out, replaced electrical box and completed wiring. There was insulation put in the walls, and ceiling. New windows, doors and air conditioner were put in. New dry wall was put on and it was finished. The building was painted inside and outside. J. D. Althoff reported on the work done on the camp manager’s house. The shower and stool leaks were repaired; new tile was laid; the woodwork was varnished. The crew also put a shelf in the Day Care Center and vents in the motel unit.
Jake Jones screened a pavilion, checked wiring, and repaired big dorm wiring. New ceilings were put in six of the rooms. Bob Simpson had several workers and they replaced four ceilings in the big dorm.
The sewing crew made walker caddies, lap robes, dish towels, quilts, clothing protectors, shawls and wash cloths. These projects were taken to our Baptist Homes, nursing homes and one quilt to a gift shop. Ruth Cowan was the director of the sewing crew. The group completed 201 sewing projects.
COM will meet again Sept. 19-23 at Laclede Baptist Association Camp.