BROOKFIELD – Summer has flown by quickly and kids are preparing to head back to the classroom, but summer has been sweet spot for one of the most effective tools Missouri Baptists have: Vacation Bible School.
For 50 kids in Brookfield, that meant a week that emphasized the biblical truth that each life is a precious gift from God with a pro-life VBS.
Cindy Blakely, co-director of VBS at Park Baptist Church here, said it was a very timely and effective message for their children.
“The Bible stories and missions sections have been wonderful,” she said.
Talking about the value of life can seem above the heads of children, but Blakely said it worked well for them, especially with the recent fall of Roe v. Wade at the U.S. Supreme Court and so much arguing over abortion in the news.
“That’s kind of why we went that direction,” she said. “Where you’ve unborn, young, or old, all of us are created by God and have value because of that. Kids even as young as kindergarten have already been exposed to these issues and they need to hear that God made them.”
Blakely said it wasn’t just the kids that got involved; they had 50 adults participating and leading as well.
“It really is a huge part of our church’s ministry,” she said.
‘VBS is still going strong’
Christy Nance, the state Vacation Bible School Director, said VBS is just as vital a tool as it’s ever been.
“Everyone is so excited!” she said. “VBS definitely still works! Parents seem to embrace the concept of Vacation Bible School without reservation. Kiddos love rotating through a variety of activities. Many VBS’s are incorporating parents into VBS though adult Bible classes, or parenting classes that provide fellowship and connection to the church and its members.”
The Rock Church in Ballwin where Nance is a member hosted a weekend VBS with 50 kids participating. They closed out the weekend Sunday morning with five children accepting Christ as savior. They also raised more than $300 for a school in Kenya.
“Small, but mighty!” Nance said.
Some churches are just now returning to normal programs like VBS after two years off after COVID, she said.
“Numbers vary, but the joy and thankfulness to be doing VBS is strong,” she said. “
There have been so many reports of obstacles, illnesses, volunteer shortages – but VBS is still going strong! God is faithful!”
Nance said she encouraged Missouri Baptist Convention churches to report their VBS work and results at