Dr. Jim McCullen/contributing writer
Doubting Jesus’ Power • John 9:8-11,13-17, 35-41 • Nov. 10
Introduction: About 25 years ago I was reading in a theology book and was stunned by this thought: No one in the New Testament healed the blind but Jesus. It further implied this healing was reserved for the Messiah. At first I rejected that thought but later learned it was correct. While in Jerusalem on a Bible Lands Tour I asked a knowledgeable shop owner if he knew the Messiah was going to heal blind people. He said yes and quoted the Old Testament reference. He was surprised when told Jesus was the only one in the New Testament who healed blind people. If it is ever my privilege to go back, I am going to look that man up to see if he still has the business and see if he is still has that view about Jesus or hopefully he no longer is Doubting Jesus Power.
1. Doubting Jesus’ Power Initiates . . Discussion. 9:8-11
Who healed this man? Jesus the one who is the Son of Man. It was obvious that this man was a new person with sight for the first time in his life. The Pharisees discussed this man called the blind man debating if he had been born blind. This man gave proof by simply demonstrating sight just like all of them possessed.He proudly told them how Jesus provided his healing.
2. Doubting Jesus’ Power Initiates . . Debate. 9:13-17
You know, it seems the Lord delighted in healing on the Sabbath. Jesus was more concerned about this man’s need than He was about some man-made rules about the Sabbath. Jesus was demonstrating the fulfilment of prophecy, and they cared more about the extended applications of man-made rules concerning the Sabbath. They talked to the Son of Man and did not recognize Him. At this time the former blind man did not know fully who He was so he called Him a prophet. Some of the Pharisees reasoned correctly as they said, “How could this man perform such signs if He were just a common sinner?”
3. Doubting Jesus’ Power Initiates . . Discovery. 9:35-41
Jesus made a special effort to make sure this man knew He was the Messiah.As He told the former blind man His identity, he said, “I believe, Lord!” and he worshiped Him. I would love to have been there and seen that sight. No doubt it was a time of worship and praise. A further discovery took place as Jesus likened spiritual ignorance to blindness and these people recognized He was calling them blind. Some people sin out of ignorance (blindness) and they change completely as their eyes are opened to spiritual truth. I am witnessing to a man who tells me he is not ready, but I think he has not allowed the Lord to open his eyes so he can really see spiritual truth. Ignorance is causing him to be one Doubting Jesus Power! Amen? Amen! (For a more detailed outline, go to: http://www.preachhim.org/SundaySchoolIndex.html.)
Feeling Insecure • John 10:1-5, 7-10, 14-18, 25-30 • Nov. 17
Introduction: How does one get security related to salvation? It is a gift from the Lord. If someone asks you how you know you are going to heaven, you can give a one word answer. Jesus!
1. Feeling Insecure? Jesus . . Guides Us. John 10:1-5
Jesus calls us through the ministry of conviction given from the Holy Spirit. As a person yields to that call he is saved and welcomed into the sheepfold. We know the Lord, and He knows us; He calls us by name. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, He clarifies the link we have with Him. In this association we grow and become stronger, get more bold; therefore, it is easier to be a witness. Many times someone will declare a false truth and it does not receive clarification in our relationship with the Lord. It is an action of His Spirit in us. We can be secure because of Jesus and his ministry through the Spirit of God.
2. Feeling Insecure? Jesus Gives Us . . Life. John 10:7-10
Have you ever entered a home or maybe a church and felt the peace and security of God? There is a calmness only the Lord can provide. Because you can ask Him for salvation and know He receives you it doesn’t matter who else might reject you as you have a calm security from Him. It was not much of a decision for me to come to Jesus for salvation. I think that is true because of my mother and the churches she took me to as a youth. After my salvation experience it was suggested I learn certain verses of Scripture. One of them was John 10:10.
3. Feeling Insecure? Jesus Gives Us A . . Guarantee. John 10:14-18
How secure is the salvation we have in Christ? He believes so much in us He laid down His life for us. What makes us believe we are secure? Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, sweetest name I know! How can we believe Jesus would lay down His live for us? His Love. His love for us honors the Father as this plan was decided before time began. It could only be a decision made in heaven through the wisdom of our Triune God.
4. Feeling Insecure? Jesus Gives Us A . . Choice. John 10:25-30
Our choices are very important but none more important that the one that affects eternity. I believe God gives us a choice. He plans for His Holy Spirit to draw us to Him. Jesus said His sheep hear His voice. That must be true to begin your Christian life but also very important to walk through this world and follow and serve Him. There are times when you will feel His hand as you obey His desires in your service for Him. So as we walk with Him and obey Him there is not much reason to be Feeling Insecure. Amen? Amen! (For a more detailed outline, go to: http://www.preachhim.org/SundaySchoolIndex.html)