Pro-life Democrats bemoan inaction on human cloning ban
April 19, 2005
JEFFERSON CITY – Rep. Belinda Harris, D-Hillsboro and a member of Morse Mill Baptist Church in Dittmer, is disappointed that legislation banning embryonic stem cell research/human cloning has apparently died this year in the Capitol. The session ends May 13 with little, if any, hope to pass the ban.
Harris said she is also disappointed that the 18 senators who had signed on to Senate Bill 160 did not all speak up in support of it. The House bill hasn’t even gotten to committee. In essence, this inaction by the Republican majority can be interpreted to mean that Republicans are disregarding the voters who chose them for their pro-life platforms, Harris said.
“As a pro-life Democrat, I hope the churches, pro-life organizations, and voters hold them accountable for their actions,” said Harris, who chairs the 28-member caucus of pro-life House Democrats.
“When the pro-life organizations, Catholic churches and Southern Baptists say it’s a pro-life issue, then it’s a pro-life issue. The pro-life elected politicians can’t suddenly establish their own criteria.”