Thom Rainer, president of LifeWay, gives us some powerful insight into why it is healthy for churches to look outside themselves for solutions to particular challenges. I asked him if I could share this word with you in my column, and he graciously agreed. Here’s what he said: “The pattern is conspicuous. Churches that are insular are not as healthy as churches that are regularly seeking outside perspectives. Of course, there will be exceptions. But, as a rule, those churches whose … [Read more...]
Bible in the bird’s nest; support our missionaries
The Nov. 15 Wall Street Journal featured an op-ed from Melanie Kirkpatrick in which she tells about North Korean families fleeing that nation’s horrific violations of human rights and, specifically, religious rights. While the young dictator, Kim Jong Un, is intoxicated by his authority to wield the power of government over the millions in his country, there are those in his nation and in ours who believe there is a greater authority. Kirkpatrick tells the story of a believing family … [Read more...]
Sending a gift for disaster relief? Maximize your gift’s effectiveness with prudence
As I write today the images from Tacloban, Philippines, are unbelievable. Massive relief efforts are underway to assist those who survived the howling 200+ mph winds and the estimated 20-foot storm surge generated by super typhoon Haiyan. The death toll is rising. We all have seen the images of thousands of survivors attempting to leave the area where water, food and medical assistance evaporated within a matter of hours after the storm. Yet, the roads and flights into Tacloban and other … [Read more...]
God is moving, working in Missouri, let’s join Him
One essential part of an Annual Meeting is greeting the people we know and meeting new people who have joined us in our cooperative ministries. This year was no exception, as godly men and women gathered and fellowshipped. Sure, we had business to do, but this year it was obvious that we took away from the meeting a much deeper understanding of the ways of God. The meeting in Kansas City is now history. However, if you haven’t watched from the website the executive director’s address, … [Read more...]
October: A great time to bless our pastors
Several decades ago a movement started to use October as a month to bless your pastor and/or staff members. According to Ephesians 4, a pastor’s role is to equip people in the church and encourage church members to reach their godly potential. This is both the most satisfying and daunting task you could ever imagine. A pastor can lead the flock of God but he cannot make the sheep consume all that God has for them. That is the role of the great motivator, the Holy Spirit. There are days in … [Read more...]
‘Woo pig! Soooie!’
There is a story about an Arkansas pig farmer told by Ron Dunn, the international Bible teacher and pastor of a previous generation whose message continues through his books and recently released biography. During the days of Ron’s boyhood, he and his family lived in Arkansas, where “hog calling” is an art form. You may have heard about the hog calling competitions where both men and women belt out at the top of their lungs, “Woo pig! Sooooooie! Woooooooo pig!” Now that the University of … [Read more...]
Yeats: Pray for flood victims, churches
The first week of August, the Roubidoux and Gasconade floodwaters ravaged many homes in this area. Many of the victims were not insured against floodwaters that rose to historic highs. Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief teams are there serving with several other first responder organizations. Some of the local church students and adults are helping their neighbors and friends in their time of need by clearing debris from houses and yards. That is so characteristic of Missouri … [Read more...]
MMO seeds produce overflowing
Missouri Missions Offering Remember growing something from seeds as a science experiment in school? In most of those science experiments, as in most of our own planting of flowers or fruits, the seed pack has a picture of what is produced by the seeds we plant. The Bible promises us that the seeds we sow in faith for the kingdom of God will also produce a crop. We don’t always know what that kingdom crop will look like. The faithful men and women who are planting churches and doing … [Read more...]
John Yeats: Sometimes you just gotta strut your stuff
Every so often, I get wind of something very special. Something that cooperative Missouri Baptists do that just knocks your socks off (please excuse the colloquialism). The very day I wrote this column, I spent the morning with our state missionaries and the MBC support staff. I heard testimony after testimony of ministry with churches of every size and method. Some churches were engaging in VBS, Super Summer, youth camps, international mission trips, North American mission projects, new … [Read more...]
Eight things the Supremes will never change
Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court may change American culture through their opinions that overrule the legality of an opinion expressed by the majority of a state’s population. Or their opinions may be the culmination of a movement to redefine marriage and normative sexual behavior. However, there are some things that do not change and will never change no matter what their black-robed opinions may imply to the general population. God remains who He is. His opinion about His creation … [Read more...]
JOHN YEATS: Juvenilization is a challenge to spiritual maturity
I’ve learned a new word –Juvenilization. I never thought of this as a legitimate word or a concept until recently when my son, who is a pastor in Texas, called and said, “Dad, you have to read this book! I’m leading my staff through it.” The book? The Juvenilization of American Christianity by Thomas E. Bergler. As a student of history, I found it a fascinating read. Thomas Bergler is a Midwest historian. His work is primarily a mosaic history about the impact of modern youth ministry in … [Read more...]
When God transforms our ‘Whys?’ into ‘What’s’
I knew my copy was soon to arrive. When it came, I ripped open the packaging and there it was, Ron Dunn: His Life and Mission by Ron Owens. My understanding is that the nationwide release occurs this month at the Southern Baptist Convention in Houston. No one knew how to ask the pointed questions about the journey with God through difficult moments like Ron Dunn. God used him to impact many struggling people with the clarity of the Word of God. The recent television images of storm damage … [Read more...]