Several years ago, my father had yet another serious heart attack. This cardiac issue led to a series of events that led my sisters and I to a decision to move our parents to the Baptist Home of Chillicothe. Chillicothe, MO is approximately 400 miles from my parent’s home in OK, so what on earth compelled us to make such a decision?
While there were several physical aspects to our decision, the most important was the Christ-like care we knew would surround our parents. My mother was living with dementia and her cognition was rapidly declining. Her main concern was that she be able to be with dad, and so, the Home created a two-room suite for them to live in. My dad, who was recuperating very well from his heart attack, needed his life back as he had become our mom’s 24 hour per day care giver and was exhausted. It took him awhile but before long he was adjusting very well. He made daily trips to the pond to fish – a lifelong hobby. He got a new job as the campus mailman, something he took very seriously. But most importantly, he was back in the place we had witnessed as kids ours whole lives – he was a greeter and usher in the weekly worship services on Sunday, held at the Baptist Home campus in Chillicothe.
For several years, with declining health and mobility issues, mom and dad had not been able to be active in worship. Their spiritual lives were reduced to watching a local church’s worship services on Sunday mornings. When they arrived at Chillicothe the opportunity to worship and the challenge to continue in their discipleship journey was reinvigorated and they flourished!
The Baptist Homes is in the midst of an $18 million Capital Campaign which will provide significant and needed improvements on all of our campuses as well as finish the construction at our Smithville, Adrian, and Ashland campuses. The Welcome Home Campaign is not just about new and remodeled spaces, it is about the opportunity to continue to invite aging seniors ‘home’ to a place where they can have their unmet physical needs met, but more importantly to be a part of a discipleship community where they are encouraged and challenged to continue to grow in Christ. To have opportunities to serve and be served in a true fellowship community. On each of our campuses, chapel spaces are being designed and improved to meet the needs of current and future disciples who aren’t finished in growing like Christ.
We ask you to join us in this challenge to expand our reach and deepen our ministry to a growing number of aging seniors in an era of great challenge and change. Please reach out to us at 573-546-2709 or for more information.