RAYTOWN – There is no resurrection without crucifixion, and there is no Easter without Good Friday. That reality was on display at Connection Point Church, here, as they presented a dramatic reenactment of the last supper with Jesus and His disciples.
“Our church has done a lot of drama and reenactments in the past,” Pastor Brian Stone said. “Covid kind of slowed that down with some of our special events, but Good Friday was a great opportunity to do that and bring it back.”
Why drama?
“It’s a tool that communicates the gospel and the story of Jesus in a unique way,” Stone said. “It helps people see and identify with the story from a fresh perspective. It’s been really effective.”
Stone said it also helps bring in the talents and gifts of church members who might not otherwise get to use these gifts, such as Karen Cable, Judy Hastings and Jeff Drake. But just as you can’t have Easter without Good Friday, to leave the story of Good Friday unfinished would be leaving out the greatest ending ever.
“We had a great turnout for Good Friday, and we had a great turnout for Easter,” Stone said, with seats packed in one of the largest auditoriums in the state to celebrate the resurrection.
“We haven’t experienced that kind of energy and life in our church for a while,” he said. “We’ve been praying for God to revive us and do a fresh work in our church, and we feel like we’re experiencing that right now with new people coming to worship with us. God is using drama in part to draw people to our church.”