There are many voices screaming at the top of their lungs, attempting to sway the vote of adults in this nation for their particular candidate. By this stage of the game, only the uninformed are unaware that both candidates are seriously flawed. It is a good thing when the personality of the leader exudes greatness and virtue, but neither of the candidates’ characters and personality traits rise to a level worthy of enthusiastic support.
But this election was never as much about which candidate’s personality would best serve the majority of the electorate as much as it was about which ideology will govern our nation. Right after the primary season, voters realized they must look behind both of the major-party candidates to see who advises the president, thus shaping policy and appointments.
The ideologies, policies, and appointments are what make an elected administration worthy of support. So the voters must wade through all the commercials, the appeals and debates and ask which ideals best represent their personal perspective. In this election cycle, there are many ideological factors, but one is too despicable to talk about, too horrific for words.
Five million children . . .
The media executives and political spin doctors have determined that the retail slaughter of five million children over the next four years has no serious impact on the governance of a nation. Their political expediency blinds them to the reality of the economic, educational and scientific contribution the 5 million children would make to our nation and world.
Elective abortions may be the politically correct law of the land, but it is a blight to any people to slaughter innocent children, whether it be in the deserts of Syria, the remote regions of South Sudan or the air conditioned medical clinic in a major American city.
Five million children . . .
One candidate represents an ideology exalting a woman’s right to choose and, if elected, is on record to appoint justices and staff administrators/regulators to perpetuate the slaughter of little children all the way through the third trimester of a pregnancy. The cold inhumanity of this position is almost breathtaking to people of conscience. The candidate has made it very clear that people of faith must conform their conscience to the political correctness of the culture, or bear the consequences.
However, scientific advancement has demonstrated how very wrong this ideology is. Eighteen days after conception, a baby’s heart begins to beat with her own blood. Twenty-eight days after conception, she has eyes and ears. At 42 days, the baby has brain waves. Babies have been born and survived at only 21 weeks.
Knowing all these facts has not stopped our nation from making it legal to kill our young. Even when the largest provider of abortions was found, with indisputable evidence, dismembering the bodies of the little children and selling their body parts, millions of tax dollars flowed into this organization. Oh, God have mercy on our land!!
This issue became very personal for former presidential candidate Ben Carson. He spoke recently at a Missouri university and told the incredible story of a woman who spoke to Dr. Carson’s wife. The woman asked Mrs. Carson to share her gratitude with the famous neurosurgeon. “When he operated on me, I was in my mother’s womb.” How does someone look into the face of this woman or someone like her and say that you were just a glob of cells in formation?
The other candidate’s style and life history create heightened levels of insecurity to such an extent that every value seems expendable for the price of a dollar. And the latest expose on his character demonstrates a pattern that is demeaning toward people.
However, there is a hope. There is the hope that he will somewhat adhere to his own party’s platform with his appointments. The positions in that party platform are more aligned with a conservative, Judeo-Christian perspective than any previous platform adopted by that party. More importantly, there is the hope that a “Mordecai” or a “Daniel” is operational in the current campaign staff who speaks wisdom from a biblical perspective into the heart of policies and members of the potential administration.
The hope is that somehow there is policy shift that protects the precious lives of the innocent children. The hope is that ministries of compassion for women in inconvenient circumstances are given liberty to bring help, hope and healing, not thwarted by government regulation and administrative disruption.
Five million children . . .
“What difference does my vote make?” Have you heard people making statements like this? It is as if they can be excused from voting and shrink from their duty to be responsible citizens. Some think this because they feel they are making a choice between two evils, as if they are just now discovering that they don’t make choices between two evils every day. Will the ideological evils that claim the lives of little children not motivate us to pick up the mantle and push back the darkness of social progressivism at the ballot box?
While there is potential for one of these ideologies to make lifetime appointments for two Supreme Court justices and possibly three, along with over 300 appellate justices, we must not be naïve with our duty to vote.
Life hangs in the balance for at least five million children.