Remembering an American conservative icon
Phyllis Schlafly, who recently died at the age of 92, authored the bestseller “A Choice Not an Echo,” which sold 3 million copies. Phyllis was not just a conservative activist but, as the Wall Street Journal reported, she was “the conservative activist.” I was honored to have been a regular guest of her nationwide radio program. The Journal said political elites called her a “gadfly” but she was more like a “bull in their china shop.”
Her political instincts were the mainstream of American life and culture. She was nearly singlehandedly responsible for the defeat of the ERA in the early 1970s, campaigning relentlessly in state capitols to prevent the ratification by the necessary 38 states. Liberal Betty Friedan suggested she be burned at the stake and called her a “Aunt Tom” who Schlafly labeled as “intemperate.”
She founded Eagle Forum, a grassroots nationwide organization promoting the value of the traditional family and hosted hundreds of radio programs and editorials. She authored 27 books including her final book “Who Killed the American Family?”.
Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, said it best: “Her love for God and this country drove her to fight for the Constitutional Her love for God and this country drove her to fight for the Constitutional principles that founded this nation. She never surrendered her principles and she never gave in to intimidation.”
– Dee Wampler, Springfield attorney
Intergalactic missions?
In regard to the article in the September 13th Pathway entitled “Intergalactic missions”? I have to say that I’m disappointed in the speculations of Drs. Nettles and Laing. Parallel universes and extraterrestrial life are subjects left to Godless theorists who need such things to prop up Darwinism and the Big Bang Theory. Christian educators should know better than to utter such un-Biblical garbage especially to the media. However, as a former teacher myself I’m aware of what happens sometimes when an educator expounds outside his area of expertise. Doesn’t the Bible tell us that “knowledge puffs up”? I am also disappointed with journalist David Roach for not interviewing the real Christian experts such as Drs. Danny Falkner, Terry Mortenson, Russ Humphries or Spike Psaris among others. By doing so the article would have been more uplifting. These professors are easily contacted and would be more than happy to give answers with a Biblical perspective. I discussed the very question of Proxima Centauri b with Dr. Mortenson at the Creation Museum, this summer and his answers were enlightening and Biblically oriented. Best of all they were believable unlike those of my secular college astronomy professors. Spike Psaris’ website is and I have corresponded with him often on subjects related to astronomy.
Upon reading the subject article I went straight to my computer and typed in the following address and about halfway down the page, lo and behold was a timely article by Dr. Danny Falkner about Proxima Centauri b. It was written with a Christian perspective in plain language which a layman could understand. The website has numerous lectures on various subjects of interest by experts in their fields. The site is helpful to Christians of all ages and backgrounds (including educators of higher learning) who seek answers to counter the propaganda that is part and parcel to the pseudo-science that is taught in public classrooms across America. I recommend this web site to those readers of the Pathway who are interested in up to date views from Christian educators and researchers working in their fields of expertise. One could literally spend days watching lectures and reading the information at this conservative Christian website and best of all, it’s free. Support AIG! See you at the Renewathon in August 2017.
God bless you all.
– Edward Ziegs, California, Mo.