Listen to the incredible story of Jim Wells and Dick Howser!
Jim Wells, strategic partners team leader for the Missouri Baptist Convention, was a pastor in Kansas City when he learned that baseball’s Kansas City Royals’ World Series winning manager Dick Howser, soon after winning the 1985 World Championship, was diagnosed as having brain cancer. The story became news when Howser – while managing the 1986 American League All Star team in the Major League All Star Game – had difficulty in presenting the game’s official lineup.
As a neighborhood pastor near Dick Howser, Wells felt led to call the Howser home and expressed that he and his church would be praying for Dick and his family.
Howser’s visiting friend, Trevor Grubbs, answered the phone. He heard the offer, and after a pause asked Wells, “Are you a Charles Stanley kind of Baptist?”
“Yes,” was the answer.
Trevor then told Wells that on the airplane he had prayed for God to put someone in his path to help Howser.
He proceeded to tell Wells, “You’re it!”
Wells was soon ushered into the hospital room, and a friendship began.
Once Dick came home from the hospital, Jim visited Dick there, and soon led him to saving faith in Jesus!
Later Dick Howser told Jim Wells, “I know I’m not going to make it. At my funeral, which you are going to preach, I don’t want you to talk about Dick Howser or the World Series. I want you to talk about Jesus.”
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