ST. LOUIS — Ed Moncada, multi-generational team and international collegiate specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC), is excited about the upcoming Blackaby Conference, Experiencing God: St. Louis, scheduled for Oct.12-16. Moncada said Blackaby strengthened the “roots” of his ministry.
“When I was early in my ministry,” Moncada said, “I was having a discouraging time. I had a passion to share the gospel, but my funding stopped and I needed a way to support my family while ministering to Filipinos, so I thought I might need to stop my ministry.”
Moncada was sent to Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina for church planting training. A conference on spiritual awakening was being offered at the same time.
“I didn’t know at the time who Henry Blackaby was,” Moncada said, “but, I found the sessions enlightening and encouraging. He talked about joining God and that awakening would come through prayer. I was moved and he caught my attention because I was praying for the spark of spiritual awakening.”
As Moncada sat in the lunch room at Ridgecrest, he had personal prayer answered.
“I was sitting at a table and thinking over all the questions about my ministry,” he said. “When I looked up, Dr. Blackaby asked if he could join me.”
Moncada took the opportunity to explain his current struggle.
“I told him that I was seeking God’s direction for my ministry, and that I was considering leaving the ministry,” Moncada said.
That was when the Lord used Blackaby in a powerful way.
“He spoke with godliness, power and grace,” Moncada said. “His response was brief, but he said, ‘Son, stick with it. There will come a time when God blesses you for your obedience. He promises rewards for obedience and your ministry will become fun.’”
Moncada acknowledged that the years since that meeting have been blessed.
“His advice touched me and I stayed in the ministry,” he said. “God has blessed my life and God has moved through my ministry to change the World and my family.
“He prayed for me at that table and I was connected to his heart in prayer. His passion is in prayer and I can see that passion as he prays for spiritual awakening.”
Moncada believes this conference will be different because Blackaby will be working with the generations, including his son and grandson.
“He ministers alongside others in his family,” Moncada said. “You can’t fake that. When you are working with your family, they know if you really live it.”
Sessions will be conducted for all ages plus special sessions for church leaders.
The sessions will also be conducted at a variety of St. Louis churches: “Experiencing God Through Revival and Awakening” The Biblical Pattern for a Fresh Encounter with God, Oct. 12-13 at Twin Oaks Presbyterian Church; “Experiencing God as Students,” Oct. 13 at Abundant Life Church; Metro Area Worship Gathering: “Experiencing God through the Generations,” Oct. 14 at Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church; and “Experiencing God: Helping Others Experience God” A Conference for Christians (focusing on leaders) in the church and marketplace, Oct. 15-16 at St. Matthew United Methodist Church (Belleville, Ill.).
More information is available by calling (866) 696-5959 or by means of the website at