SEDALIA – In addition to eating corn dogs and funnel cakes and checking out livestock exhibitions, thousands heard the gospel at the Missouri State Fair Aug. 9-19.
The state Director of Missions Fellowship organized the witnessing outreach, with a tent along one of the fair’s main streets. They and volunteers from various churches presented the plan of salvation 1,691 times during the 11 days of the fair, and recorded 93 people accepting Jesus as their savior. Fair-goers could register for a chance to win a big-screen TV in exchange for three minutes of their time to hear the gospel.
“We had some good opportunities to plant some seeds, and some good opportunities to encourage and pray for other folks,” said David Mifflin, director of missions for Fellowship Baptist Association based in Warsaw, and one of the organizers of the Baptist presence.
Volunteers took names and contact information for each person, so a local church can follow up if necessary.
Mifflin said the weather cooperated for high turnout.
“It was hot the first day, but it’s been a lot nicer than normal,” he said.
Though the crowds faded as local school districts began classes, roughly half the professions of faith came in the final three days of the fair spurred by large crowds flocking to the fairgrounds to see comedian Larry the Cable Guy.
“There is no way I can adequately express my appreciation to David Mifflin, Daryl Stagg and the directors of missions and associations that participated in the Missouri State Fair Ministry last week,” said Jim Wells, State Cooperative Program missionary for strategic partnerships. “It was a joy for me to witness in action three different days the work of our associations in sharing the gospel with folks and encouraging so many in their walk with the Lord.”