ELLISVILLE—Frank Turek, founder and president of CrossExamined.org, answered four major questions to explain why Christianity is the most reasonable worldview at a recent seminar here “I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist.”
“Why are we here?” Turek asked. “What’s the point?”
The seminar at First Baptist Church attracted a large, diverse audience of college students to seniors, believers and non-believers. The first question Turek tackled was “Does Truth Exist?”
“Truth is telling it like it is,” he said. “Contrary to popular opinion, truth is absolute. It is true for all people in all places at all times.”
He said the law of contradiction can be used to refute the
nonexistence of truth.
“When the statement is made, ‘There is no truth,’” he said, “the response, ‘Is that true?’”
Turek calls this the “Roadrunner Tactic.” “When you apply the statement back to itself,” he said, “It falls flat like Wile E. Coyote.”
The second question investigated at the seminar was, “Does God Exist?”
He outlined three arguments to prove the existence of God: 1. Cosmological Argument explains that the universe had a beginning. “The law of causality is in play,” Turek said. “Everything that comes to be has a cause. We don’t need to worry about a Bengal Tiger coming in here to destroy us because there is not a cause for that to happen.”
2. Teleological Argument focuses on design. “We can see the fingerprints of God,” Turek said, “by the way all of nature works together. If there was one part in 1040 change in gravity, the sun would not exist and the moon would crash into the earth or sheer off into space. The earth is in the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ of space.”
3. Morality Argument of justice with right versus wrong. “God is the standard of measure,” Turek said. “If there is no God, the Holocaust becomes a matter of opinion.”
The final two questions of the seminar were “Are miracles possible?” and “Is the New Testament true?” Turek identified the greatest miracle of the Bible as Genesis 1:1. “If our God can create everything,” he said, “His display of power over nature is nothing. He can do anything He wants.”
Turek said he had a list of six types of evidence for the reliability of the New Testament in his book, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be An Atheist. For the seminar, he discussed the embarrassing testimony of the disciples.
“Usually people try to make themselves look better,” Turek said. “The disciples wrote that they were dimwitted, uncaring and cowards. They were constantly confused by Jesus’ teaching, they fell asleep in Jesus’ worst hour and they let the women discover the body of Jesus was gone.”
Turek identified the lack of a motive for the disciples to make up the events of the New Testament. “They had a world religion and they believed that they were the chosen people,” Turek said. “They had a stronger motive to say that it did NOT happen. Many paid with their lives and blood.”
More information is available at www.CrossExamined.org.