SPRINGFIELD – At the 176th annual meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention, Mac Brunson brought a message of spiritual victory to Missouri Baptists.
Brunson, senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Fla., spoke to messengers during the afternoon session Oct. 26, held at the Expo Center.
“God did not call us to be adequate; but to be obedient,” he said.
His message came from the book of Joshua, a man Brunson said was chosen to lead because of his proven obedience.
“He knew how to be obedient to the authority over him (Moses) and he knew what it means to follow directions, leaving nothing undone of all that the Lord had commanded him,” he said. “However, God still had to address Joshua’s fear.”
Brunson said Joshua’s biggest weakness was his feelings of inadequacy. Joshua constantly compared himself to Moses and God responded to that fear by reminding him over and over to be “strong and courageous.”
“Of all sermons, I can preach this one,” Brunson said. “When I came to First Baptist I opened a little closet in my office. Inside were meticulously filed notebooks … sermons of Jerry Vines. I read through one flawless sermon after another –not a single grammatical error. I just thought, ‘Good Lord in Heaven this man has preached the entire Bible while he was here. What am I supposed to do?’ But God told me that I wouldn’t be here if I was not available and I knew I was doing what God called me to do.”
Brunson said when committing to obey God, a Christian must take several factors into account. He said it’s important to be aware of God’s perfect timing, to work hard to memorize and cling to God’s word and to be determined to obey God, no matter what happens.
“It takes tenacity,” he said. “You have to say, ‘God, no matter who opposes me I’m not looking back.’”
Brunson concluded by saying that, like Joshua, a person who is obedient to God gains wisdom, discernment and the ability to face fear.
“Satan is gripping your mind right now,” he said. “He is trying to convince you that the enemy is greater than your God. Stop being impressed with the size of your enemy and start being in awe of the size of our God.”
Kayla Rinker/contributing writer