Confab aims to help men share their faith
HOLTS SUMMIT – “Women don’t reach men,” said Danny Decker, men’s missions and ministry specialist for the Missouri Baptist Convention (MBC). “Men reach men.”
And now Bill Fay, the author of Share Jesus Without Fear, is coming to Missouri help teach men to do just that: reach other men with the Gospel.
Fay is the featured speaker at the third annual Missouri Baptist Men’s Conference Sept. 7-8 at Union Hill Baptist Church, Holts Summit.
Decker said any man, young boy or teen-ager would benefit from the weekend that is focused especially on reaching men, a task many churches are failing to execute.
“Churches today are geared more toward the feminine than the masculine,” he said. “If we reach the men, the women will come and so will the children. Ninety-three percent of families follow the leadership of the father.”
Plus, said Decker, it’s a matter of obedience.
“Jesus said he came to seek and save,” he said. “That was his focus and it ought to be our focus. We just haven’t been obedient when it comes to reaching men.”
With more than five million copies of Share Jesus Without Fear in print, Fay is a recognized authority on modern evangelism techniques. He travels the world impacting many cultures and denominations, challenging believers to overcome the sin of silence. Fay is also living proof that Jesus can overcome a multitude of other sins.
“He’s got quite a history,” Decker said. “He was involved with the mob, was arrested, went to jail and ran a prostitution ring in Las Vegas. You name it, he’s done it. Then he found Jesus.”
The conference costs $15 and begins at 7 p.m. Sept. 7. It will run through noon Sept. 8. For more information or to register, contact Gwen Martin at 1-800-736-6227 or go to